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. 2024 Mar 13;4(3):100519. doi: 10.1016/j.xgen.2024.100519

APC anti-human B2M antibody Biolegend Cat#316312; RRID: AB_10643412
APC anti-human CD4 antibody Biolegend Cat#357408; RRID: AB_2565659
FITC anti-human CD26 antibody Biolegend Cat#302704; RRID: AB_314288
FITC anti-human CD46 antibody Biolegend Cat#315304; RRID: AB_2291290
FITC anti-human CD47 antibody Biolegend Cat#323106; RRID: AB_756136
FITC anti-human CD55 antibody Biolegend Cat#311305; RRID: AB_314863
FITC anti-human CD59 antibody Biolegend Cat#304706; RRID: AB_2076126
PE anti-human CD63 antibody Biolegend Cat#353004; RRID: AB_10897809
APC anti-human CD81 antibody Biolegend Cat#349510; RRID: AB_2564021
FITC anti-human CD97 antibody Biolegend Cat#336306; RRID: AB_1227609
APC anti-human CD274 antibody Biolegend Cat#329708; RRID: AB_940360
PE anti-human LDLR antibody BD Biosciences Cat#565653; RRID: AB_2739325

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Benzonase (2000 U/mL) Millipore Sigma Cat#E1014
Effectene QIAGEN Cat#301427
vectashield Vector Laboratories Cat#H-1000

Deposited data

Pooled Golden Gate screen read counts This manuscript Data S3

Experimental models: Cell lines

Human A375 cells Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia N/A
Human HT29 cells Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia N/A
Human MelJuSo cells Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia N/A
Human HEK293T cells ATCC ATCC CRL-3216
Drosophila melanogaster S2R+ Yanagawa et al., 199844 DGRC Stock 150; RRID:CVCL_Z831
Drosophila melanogaster S2R+-NPT005 Neumüller et al., 201246 DGRC Stock 229; RRID:CVCL_0Q79

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Drosophila melanogaster nub-Gal4 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (BDSC) RRID:BDSC_84288
Drosophila melanogaster yw, nos-phiC31;attP2 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (BDSC) RRID:BDSC_25710
Drosophila melanogaster yw, nos-phiC31;attP40 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (BDSC) RRID:BDSC_25709
Drosophila melanogaster yw; UAS-DjCas13-2A-GFP{attP2} This paper N/A
y w; Dr e/TM3, Sb Perrimon Lab N/A
y w; Gla/CyO Perrimon Lab N/A

Recombinant DNA

Fragmid Resource release 1 This manuscript Addgene Kit 1000000237
Plasmid pBS130 Gohl et al., 201145 Addgene 26290
Plasmid pCFD3 Port et al., 201447 Addgene 49410
Plasmid pRDA_174 DeWeirdt et al., 202120 Addgene 136476
Plasmid pLX_311-Cas9 Doench et al., 201419 Addgene 96924
Plasmid pAdDeltaF6 unpublished Addgene 112867
Plasmid pAAV2/6 unpublished generously provided by Dr. Guangping Gao and Dr. Jun Xie of the UMass Chan Medical School Viral Vector Core
Plasmid pAAV-CAG-GFP Mao et al., 201131 Addgene 28014

Software and algorithms

PoolQ The Broad Institute
CRISPick The Broad Institute
Fragmid The Broad Institute