Table 3.
List of QBA terms used to assess dog emotion during test sessions.
Term | Definition |
Agitated | Disturbed, upset, hyperactive (defined for this study) |
Alert | Vigilant, inquisitive, on guard22 |
Bored | Disinterested, passive, showing sub-optimal arousal levels/drowsiness signs22 |
Calm | Absence of strong positive/negative emotions (defined for this study) |
Comfortable | Without worries, settled in environment, peaceful with external stimuli (modified)22 |
Confident | Self-assured, purposeful, unconcerned, composed (defined for this study) |
Engaged | Actively focused on a specific object or task, attempts to interact with object49 |
Excited | Positively agitated in response to external stimuli, euphoric, exuberant, thrilled22 |
Explorative | Confident in exploring the environment or new stimuli, investigative22 |
Fearful | Timid, scared, timorous, doesn't approach people or moves away, shows postures typical of fear22 |
Frustrated | Annoyed, irritable, restless, unable to obtain what it wants, impatient49 |
Happy | Delighted, pleased, joyful, content (defined for this study) |
Interested | Attentive, attracted to stimuli and attempting to approach them22 |
Nervous | Uneasy, agitated, shows fast arousal, unsettled, restless, hyperactive22 |
Relaxed | Easy going, calm or acting in a calm way, doesn't show tension22 |
Sad | Low arousal, unhappy, downcast, depressed (modified)49 |
Stressed | Tense, shows signs of distress22 |
Tense | Stiff, rigid posture, on edge49 |