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. 2024 Mar 17;14:6406. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-56859-9

Table 3.

List of QBA terms used to assess dog emotion during test sessions.

Term Definition
Agitated Disturbed, upset, hyperactive (defined for this study)
Alert Vigilant, inquisitive, on guard22
Bored Disinterested, passive, showing sub-optimal arousal levels/drowsiness signs22
Calm Absence of strong positive/negative emotions (defined for this study)
Comfortable Without worries, settled in environment, peaceful with external stimuli (modified)22
Confident Self-assured, purposeful, unconcerned, composed (defined for this study)
Engaged Actively focused on a specific object or task, attempts to interact with object49
Excited Positively agitated in response to external stimuli, euphoric, exuberant, thrilled22
Explorative Confident in exploring the environment or new stimuli, investigative22
Fearful Timid, scared, timorous, doesn't approach people or moves away, shows postures typical of fear22
Frustrated Annoyed, irritable, restless, unable to obtain what it wants, impatient49
Happy Delighted, pleased, joyful, content (defined for this study)
Interested Attentive, attracted to stimuli and attempting to approach them22
Nervous Uneasy, agitated, shows fast arousal, unsettled, restless, hyperactive22
Relaxed Easy going, calm or acting in a calm way, doesn't show tension22
Sad Low arousal, unhappy, downcast, depressed (modified)49
Stressed Tense, shows signs of distress22
Tense Stiff, rigid posture, on edge49