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. 2024 Feb 15;16(2):e54264. doi: 10.7759/cureus.54264

Table 1. Characteristics of the studies included in the review.

Occurrence of all CV events referred to at least one event of CV death, myocardial infarction, hospitalisation for unstable angina or HF, cerebrovascular accident, or emergency revascularisation.

ACS: acute coronary syndrome, AMI: acute myocardial infarction, CABG/AV: coronary artery bypass graft surgery/atrioventricular, CAD: coronary artery disease, CT: computed tomography, CVD: cardiovascular diseases, CHD: congestive heart disease, HF: heart failure, MI: myocardial infarction, PAD: peripheral artery disease, PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention

Study/Type Country Setting Patient Characteristics Main Diagnosis Main outcome measure Duration Sample Size M:W
Clerc Liaudat et al., 2018 [33] Switzerland Primary care practice or ambulatory care clinic >16 years attending with a complaint of chest pain (mean age of 55.2 years) CVD, chest pain in ambulatory care Referral to cardiologist at 12 months follow up 5 months 672 47.6:52.4
Leening et al., 2014 [34] Netherlands Part of the Rotterdam Study, a population-based study to determine the occurrence and determinants of age-related diseases in the general population Community in Rotterdam aged ≥55 and free from CVD at baseline CHD First diagnosis of CHD, cerebrovascular disease, HF, cardiovascular disease, or death from non-cardiovascular causes. 3 years 8419 39.1:60.9
Leifheit-Limson et al., 2015 [35] US and Spain VIRGO (Variation in Recovery: Role of Gender on Outcomes of Young AMI Patients) study in US and Spanish hospitals 18 to 55 years old with AMI with a median age of 48 years Acute MI Prevalence of five cardiac risk factors 3 years and 5 months 3501 33:67
Mariani et al., 2013 [36] Argentina Epi-Cardio registry, Intensive Cardiovascular Care Units of Argentina (54 centres) Patients diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome ACS Care in acute coronary syndrome 7 years 8997 72.4:28.6
Millett et al., 2018 [37] UK UK Biobank where participants attended one of 22 centres Participants between 40 and 69 with a mean age of 56.2 years old MI Incidence of fatal or non-fatal MI 4 years 471,998 44:56
Mokhles et al., 2018 [38] Netherlands The national database of The Netherlands Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery All patients >18 who underwent AV, or a combined CABG/AV surgery (mean age of females was 71 years and those of males 66 years) CAD Patient and procedural characteristics and early mortality after aortic valve and combined aortic valve/coronary 3 years and 11 months 14,584 60.5:39.5
Norgaard et al., 2015 [39] Denmark Data was obtained from the Western Denmark Heart Registry  Data from the Western Denmark Heart Registry, a clinical database within a population-based healthcare system regarding patients with chest discomfort and/or dyspnoea and low to intermediate pretest probability of CAD admitted for their first coronary CT angiography mean age around 60 years old CAD Coronary artery calcium score, coronary revascularisation 3 years 3541 46:54
Peters et al., 2018 [40] United States Data from Market Scan and Medicare databases (health insurance) U.S. adults <65 years of age with commercial health insurance in the Market Scan database and U.S. adults ≥66 years of age with government health insurance through Medicare, who filled a statin prescription in the last 30 days after discharge with MI MI Prescription of high-intensity statins following MI 1 year and 6 months 88,256 44:56
Virani et al., 2015 [41] United States Veterans’ Health, primary care clinics (130 facilities) Adult patients with CVD (CHD, PAD, and ischemic stroke) with a mean age between 66-71 years old CHD, PAD, and ischemic stroke Prescription of statin or non-statin lipid-lowering agent (bile acid-binding resin, niacin, and ezetimibe) 11 months 972,532 98.6:1.4
Worrall-Carter et al., 2016 [42] Australia Database maintained by Victorian state government that included data in Victorian hospitals, rehabilitation centres, extended care facilities and day procedure centres All patients admitted to Victorian hospitals with a first-time diagnosis of ACS ACS Epidemiology, treatment, and outcomes of patients admitted with a primary diagnosis of ACS 2 years and 1 month 28,985 64:36
Zhao et al., 2017 [43] Asia, Europe, and the Middle East Outpatient cardiology clinics in 11 countries across three regions: Europe (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Northern Ireland, Romania, and Russia); Asia (Taiwan and China); and the Middle East (Saudi Arabia). Patients aged ≥18 years with established CHD (defined as a history of CABG, PCI, ACS, or stable angina) with a mean age of around 65 years old CHD Risk factors in patients with CHD 1 year 10,112 71:29
Median and interquartile range   4 10,112 47.6:52.4 (IQR, 44:56-32.5:67.5)
Daly et al., 2006 [44] Europe The Euro Heart Survey of Stable Angina All patients with a clinical diagnosis of stable angina considered mean age 61 years old Stable angina Occurrence of death or myocardial infarction and the occurrence of all CV events* 1 year 3779 58:42
Hyun et al., 2017 [45] Australia 60 Australian primary healthcare services Adult patients above 35 years old CHD, Ischaemic stroke or peripheral vascular disease. CVD risk factors and recommended medications 9 months 13,294 53:47
Kislitsina et al., 2019 [46] United States (Chicago) Cardiovascular Research Database of the Clinical Trial Unit of the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute at Northwestern Memorial Hospital All patients who underwent mitral valve surgery mean age of 61.9 years Mitral Valve Disease Characterisation of post-operative hospitalisation event and analysis of early and late complications  13 years and 3 months 1436 58.2:41.8
Lee et al., 2019 [47] Australia General practice dataset in Australia (known as MedicineInsight) from 438 sites across Australia ≥18 years with a history of CHD who were considered active patients (≥ 3 encounters in MedicineInsight database over 2 years) CHD Recommended medication, cardiovascular risk factors, achieve treatment targets 4 years 130,926 52.3:46.7
Median and Interquartile range   4 8536.5 55.5:44.5 (IQR,53:47-41.95:58.05)
  Case Series
Conti et al., 2002 [48] Sao Paulo, Brazil Instituto do Coração of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo 25- to 45-year-old patients with the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (mean age 41 years old) Acute MI Differences in risk factors and treatment between males and females with acute MI 3 years and 7 months 236 77:23
Murga-Eizagaetxebarría et al., 2019 [49] Spain OFRECE study: primary care setting in Spain (425 consultation rooms in 46 provinces in Spain) Spanish population aged 40 years and older that consulted for chest pains and/or palpitations Chest pain and palpitation Clinical management of patients with symptoms of chest pain and/or palpitations - 1132 32:68
Rachamin et al., 2021 [51] Switzerland FIRE study: FIRE database that collected data from electronic medical records of > 500 general practices in Switzerland. 40- to 79-year-old patients with at least two consultations (one before 2017 and one during 2018). CVDs LDL-cholesterol, blood pressure and HBA1c - 59,092 48.1:51.9
Xia et al., 2020 [50] China Door to door surveys in community in seven geographical regions in China (Northeast, North, Northwest, East, Central, South, and Southwest China). (4000 residents in 39 communities) Adults ≥45 years old who have been living in their area for more than 6 months whether urban or rural of median age in the range of 59 – 62 years old CVDs CVD risk factors 2 years and six months 47,841 38.7: 61.3