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. 2014 Sep 2;2014(9):CD000963. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000963.pub3

Monticone 2013.

Methods RCT conducted in Italy
Participants Patients referred to a rehabilitation centre with LBP >3 months and >18 years. 90 patients randomised, 57.8% female, average age 49.8 years, mean duration of pain 25.8 months
Interventions MBR (CBT + Physical): 5 weeks program plus 1 year reinforcement. 1 individual CBT session/week of 60 minutes, then 1 session/month for 12 months. Sessions included fear avoidance beliefs, catastrophising, inappropriate beliefs, negative thoughts, transferring attention, graded exposure, motivation, goal‐setting. Physical program, individually delivered: active and passive mobilisations, stretching, strengthening, postural/motor control exercises. Up to 10 sessions, 2 sessions/week for 5 weeks, plus home exercise program
Physical (Control): physical program, individually delivered, active and passive mobilisations, stretching, strengthening, postural/motor control exercises. Up to 10 sessions, 2 sessions/week for 5 weeks, plus home exercise program
Outcomes Pain (NRS), Disability (RMDQ), General Health (SF‐36), Fear Avoidance (TSK)
 Follow‐ups: ST (post‐treatment), LT (1 and 2 years)
Notes Subgroup analyses: Low intensity intervention, High baseline symptom intensity (>60% of maximum scale score)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk pg.2 Randomization. "randomized the patients to one of the 2 treatment programs using a list previously generated by a biostatistician (SAS PROC PLAN)"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk pg.2 Randomization. "...delivered to the Principal Investigator with blinded treatment codes"
Blinding of participants High risk Not possible
Blinding of clinicians High risk Not possible
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Not possible; patient reported outcome
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk pg.4 Participant flow. "No patients dropped out during the course of the study"
Intention to treat analysis Low risk Flow chart. No dropout, all patients treated as per protocol
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk No protocol
Comparability of groups at baseline Low risk Table 3. Groups comparable on relevant demographic and clinical variables
Compliance Unclear risk Not stated
Cointerventions Unclear risk Not stated
Timing of assessment Low risk pg.3 Outcome measures. "questionnaires were completed before treatment (T1), 5 weeks later (at the end of the instructive phase, T2), and then 12 months (post‐treatment analysis, T3) and 24 months after the end of the instructive phase (1‐year follow‐up, T4)"