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. 2014 Sep 2;2014(9):CD000963. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000963.pub3

Nicholas 1991.

Methods RCT conducted in Australia
Participants Patients referred from pain clinic, GPs or specialist with age 20‐60 years, LBP >6 months. 58 patients randomised, 51.7% female, average age 41.2 years, mean duration of pain 7 years
Interventions MBR (Behavioural+Relaxation): 5 weeks, 2 sessions/week. Education (anatomy, back care, lifting, medication, diet/weight),Strengthening exercises, mobilisation exercises, hydrotherapy, HEP. Behavioural treatment; goal‐setting (social, home, work) and advice, medication reduction, pacing, given positive reinforcement plus relaxation treatment; progressive muscle relaxation
Physical (Physiotherapy): 5 weeks, 2 sessions/week. Education (anatomy, back care, lifting, medication, diet/weight), strengthening exercises, mobilisation exercises, hydrotherapy, HEP
Note: 6 treatment groups in total, only the above groups used for this review
Outcomes Pain (PRC), Disability (SIP), Medication (number of types), Anxiety (STAI), Depression (BDI), Pain Beliefs (PBQ), Coping (CSQ)
 Follow‐ups: ST (post‐treatment), MT (6 months), LT (12 months)
Notes Subgroup analyses: Low intensity intervention, Low baseline symptom intensity (<60% of maximum scale score). Included in Guzman 2006
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Unclear
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk pg.226 Experimental design. "The random assignment was performed after the pretreatment assessment. Thus, the experiments did not know to which condition a subject would be assigned at the time the pretreatment assessments were conducted"
Blinding of participants High risk Not possible
Blinding of clinicians High risk Not possible
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Not possible; patient reported outcome
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes High risk pg.232 Attrition. 39/58 randomized patients followed up
Intention to treat analysis Unclear risk Not stated
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk No protocol
Comparability of groups at baseline Unclear risk Insufficient information reported
Compliance Unclear risk Not stated
Cointerventions Unclear risk Not stated
Timing of assessment Low risk pg.226 Experimental design. "repeated measurements were conducted on four occasions‐pretreatment, post‐treatment, 6 months and 12 months after the end of treatment"