(a) Data across all DREADD WBP recordings was plotted as averaged line plots for each animal group (DREADD_neg, hM3Dq and hM4Di) and condition (Saline (red), Clozapine (green) or CNO (blue) i.p.injection). Each animal was recorded three times within each condition (nine recordings in total). Respiratory parameters do not differ between condition in DREADD_neg animals. Injection of CNO or Clozapine in hM3Dq mice significantly alters several respiratory parameters. The effects of Clozapine and CNO injections on respiratory parameters largely overlap and clearly separate from the effects saline injections. In hM4Di animals, more variability within respiratory parameters compared to DREADD_neg controls, however, no statistically significant effect is detected. Data shows the condition mean and standard error of the mean (s.e.m.) (b) Violin plots with integrated boxplots for each group and condition. The width of the violin plot represents the data distribution density. The boxplot ‘s lower and upper limits represent the 25% quantile and 75% quantile, respectively. The horizontal bar inside the boxplot represents the median. The whiskers of the boxplot display 1.5 x the interquartile range. (c) Comparison of gross locomotion as assessed by an open field test. hM3Dq animals show statistically significant reduction in distance moved, while there are no differences observed in the DREADD_neg and hM4Di animals. It is important to note, that the effect size for this reduction in distance moved is small. (d) A statistically significant reduction in time spent in immobility is observed in DREADD_neg animals, however, the effect size is negligible. Time spent in an immobile state does not differ in hM3Dq and hM4Di animals. Track visualization with underlying density maps and zone visit diagrams during open field tests for all DREADD mice can be found in Supplementary files 1 and 2. I = BPM (Breaths per minute); II = IT (Inspiratory time); III = ET (Expiratory time); IV = TT (Total respiratory cycle time); V = TVadjPerGram (Tidal volume normalized to bodyweight in microliters per gram); VI = MVadjPerGram (Minute volume normalized to bodyweight in milliliters per gram); VII = PIFadj (Peak inspiratory flow); VIII = PEFadj (Peak expiratory flow); CNO: clozapine-N-Oxide. Number of mice per condition: DREADD_neg n=4, hM3Dq n=5, hM4Di n=5.