Figure 1.
Scatter plots between the CRP-PMR-AS* and the ESR-PMR-AS† (A), clin-PMR-AS‡ (B) and imp-CRP PMR-AS§ (C) at inclusion for all the patients (n= 100). Trendlines are represented by a continuous line. The CPR-PMR-AS is the algebraic sum of morning stiffness in minutes multiplied by 0.1, ability to elevate the upper limbs on a scale of 0 to 3, physicians global assessment on a 10-point visual analog scale, patient-reported pain intensity on a 10-point VAS, and CRP level in mg/dL. Higher values indicate greater disease activity. Values below 7 define low disease activity; between 7 and 17, moderate disease activity; and greater than 17, high activity. † The ESR-PMR-AS uses the ESR in minutes multiplied by 0.1 instead of the CRP level. ‡ The clin-PMR-AS is the sum of the clinical items. § The imp-CRP PMR-AS is calculated with the formula 1.12(clin-PMR-AS)+0.26. PMR: polymyalgia rheumatica; AS: activity score; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C reactive protein; clin: clinical; imp-CRP: imputed CRP.