Document type (plan/report/other) |
What is the severity of dysphagia? |
What symptoms of dysphagia are reported? (e.g., coughing, food pooling in mouth) |
Oral diet: What textures are recommended/foods that the person can and cannot have? |
Position: Is there specific positioning for mealtimes (e.g., princess chair, upright in bed)? |
Equipment: Are assistive devices used at mealtimes, if so are all devices listed (e.g., glasses, dentures, hearing aids)? |
Participation: Are there any comments on the person's involvement in the decision about the plan/compliance or otherwise? |
Participation: Is there any description of types of food the person likes/dislikes? |
Participation: Is there a description of how to make meals accessible to the person during the mealtime (e.g., in their reach and visual field)? |
Inclusion: What environment does the participant eat their meal in (e.g., at table with others)? |
Compensatory strategies: Are there strategies that can be used during mealtimes to reduce risk (e.g., alternating boluses, chin tuck, extra time for each mouthful of food)? |
Mealtime assistance: Is assistance required during the meal (e.g., assistance in putting food on utensil and bringing to mouth, cutting food)? |
Mealtime assistance: What verbal directions are used at mealtimes (e.g., directing person what to do)? |
Mealtime assistance: What is the response to choking if it occurs during mealtime? |
After meal care: Does the report mention oral care required after meal, if so what is it (e.g., make sure mouth is empty)? |