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. 2022 Dec 30;58(4):1017–1028. doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12840


Communication OMIs considered for inclusion in the ROMA COS (n = 20)

Outcome measurement instrument Classification
1 American Speech–Language and Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA‐FACS) ClinROM
2 Amsterdam–Nijmegen Everyday Language Test (ANELT) PerBOM
3 Aphasia Communication Outcome Measure (ACOM) PROM
4 Aphasia Impact Questionnaire (AIQ‐21) PROM
5 Assessment for Living with Aphasia (ALA) PROM
6 The Assessment of Communicative Effectiveness in Severe Aphasia (ACESA) PerBOM
7 The Communicative Activities Checklist (COMACT) PROM
8 Communication Activities of Daily Living (CADL‐3) PerBOM
9 The Communication Activity Log (CAL) ObsROM
10 The Communication Confidence Rating Scale for Aphasia (CCRSA) PROM
11 The Communication Effectiveness Index (CETI) ObsROM
12 The Communication Outcome After Stroke (COAST) PROM
13 The Communication Participation Item Bank (CPIB) PROM
14 The Functional Outcome Questionnaire for Aphasia (FOQ‐A) ObsROM
15 Measure of Participation in Conversation (MPC) ClinROM
16 The Scenario Test (TST) PerBOM
17 The Social Activities Checklist (SOCACT) PROM
18 The Speech Questionnaire (TSQ) ClinROM
19 Therapy Outcome Measures (TOM) ClinROM
20 Discourse analysis (e.g., Story Grammar measures; Utterance/propositional level information measures; Correct Information Units) PerBOM

Notes: See Table S2 in the additional supporting information for references.

PROM = Patient‐reported outcome measure: A measurement based on a report that comes from the patient about the status of a patient's health condition without amendment or interpretation of the patient's report by a clinician or anyone else. ClinROM: Clinician‐reported outcome measure: A measurement based on a report that comes from a trained health professional after observation of a patient's health condition. ObsROM: Observer‐reported outcome measure: A measurement based on observation by someone other than the patient or a health professional. This may be a parent, spouse or another non‐clinical caregiver who can observe and report on a specific aspect of the patient's health. PerBOM: Performance‐based outcome measure: A measurement based on a task(s) performed by a patient according to instructions that are administered by a health professional (FDA‐NIH Biomarker Working Group, 2016).