ID | Species | Sex | Estimated age group | Probable cause of death | Initial Aβ IHC | Subsequent pTau IHC |
Gg1 | Grampus griseus | F | Adult | Peritonitis | Pos | NA |
Gg2 | Grampus griseus | F | Aged | Live stranding | Pos | NA |
Gm1 | Globicephala melas | F | Aged | Pneumonia | Pos | Pos |
Gm2 | Globicephala melas | M | Aged | Mass stranding | Pos | Neg |
Gm3 | Globicephala melas | F | Aged | Mass stranding | Pos | Pos |
Gm4 | Globicephala melas | F | Aged | Live stranding | Pos | NA |
Gm5 | Globicephala melas | M | Aged | Pneumonia | Pos | Pos |
La1 | Lag. albirostris | F | Adult | Unknown | Pos | NA |
La2 | Lag. albirostris | F | Aged | Unknown/old age | Pos | NA |
La3 | Lag. albirostris | M | Aged | Bacterial pneumonia | Pos | NA |
La4 | Lag. albirostris | M | Aged | Euthanized–LS | Pos | NA |
La5 | Lag. albirostris | M | Adult | Live stranding | Pos | Pos |
Pp1 | Phocoena phocoena | F | Aged | Unknown/old age | Pos | NA |
Pp2 | Phocoena phocoena | F | Aged | Gastritis | Pos | NA |
Pp3 | Phocoena phocoena | F | Aged | Unknown/old age | Pos | NA |
Pp4 | Phocoena phocoena | F | Aged | Live stranding | Pos | NA |
Pp5 | Phocoena phocoena | M | Aged | Old age/debilitation | Pos | NA |
Tt1 | Tursiops truncatus | M | >32 years | Pulmonary oedema | Pos | Pos |
Gm6 | Globicephala melas | F | Young adult | Live stranding | NA | NA |
Gm7 | Globicephala melas | M | Subadult | Live stranding | NA | NA |
La6 | Lag. albirostris | F | Subadult | Live stranding | NA | NA |
Tt2 | Tursiops truncatus | M | <1 year | Septicaemia | NA | NA |
Note: The first 18 animals were the initial selection of older animals. The last four animals are the younger, control, animals that were not subjected to the initial immunohistochemistry screening. Lag. = Lagenorhynchus; F = female; M = male; LS = live‐stranded; IHC = immunohistochemistry; Aβ = amyloid‐beta peptide; pTau = hyperphosphorylated tau protein; Pos = positive; Neg = negative; NA = not applicable.