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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Mar 18.
Published in final edited form as: Biol Psychiatry. 2022 Apr 25;92(8):626–642. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.04.008

Table 1.

Representative Autism Case-Control Classification Studies

Study Data Source n Age, Years, Mean ± SD or Range Male, % Algorithm Features Validation Accuracy (Sensitivity, Specificity) Notes
(68) Lab-specific 40 autism
40 NT
8–42 100% FC from 7266 × 7266 ROIs Internal (leave-one-out CV); external validation in independent sample 79% (83%, 75%) External validation results: 71% accuracy, 75% sensitivity, and 69% specificity
(50) Lab-specific 13 autism
14 NT
Autism: 21.4 ± 3.9
NT: 22.6 ± 4.2
100% LRC FC from 102 × 102 ROIs (AAL atlas) (139); seed-based connectivity Internal (leave-one-out CV) 77.8% (76.9%, 78.6%) Whole-brain classification results reported; seed-based accuracies ranged from 70% to 96%
(53) Lab-specific 29 autism
29 NT
83% LRC FC from 106 × 106 ROIs (AAL atlas) (139) Internal (leave-one-out CV) (82.8%, 82.8%)
(52) Lab-specific 20 autism
20 NT
Autism: 9.96 ± 1.59
NT: 9.95 ± 1.60
80% LRC Network FC maps (10 components) Internal (leave-one-out CV); external validation in independent sample 78% (75%, 80%) Best performing network (salience network) is shown
External validation results: 83% accuracy, 67% sensitivity, 100% specificity
(46) ABIDE 126 autism
126 NT
6–36 85% RF FC from 220 × 220 ROIs (Power atlas) (140) Bootstrapping CV (one third left out); external validation set 91% (89%, 93%) Various SVM pipelines also tested, with the highest accuracy obtained = 66%
(51) Lab-specific 59 autism
59 NT
Autism: 17.66 ± 2.72
NT: 18.3 ± 3.05
100% Various tested Various tested Internal (leave-one-out, stratified 3-fold, stratified 10-fold CV) 76.7% (70%, 83.3%) Pipeline with the highest accuracy and positive predictive values is shown
Classifier: SVM; features: FC from 162 × 162 ROIs (Destrieux atlas); validation: leave-one-out CV
(49) ABIDE 312 autism
328 NT
6–19 84% NN FC from 90 × 90 ROIs (AAL atlas) (139) Internal (leave-one-out, various k-fold CV strategies tested) 89.4% (92%, 87%) Showing results for leave-one-out
(47) ABIDE 112 autism
128 NT
12–18 85% SVM FC from 142 × 142 ROIs (Dosenbach atlas) (141); multiple frequency bands used Internal (leave-one-out, 10-fold CV); leave-one-site-out CV 79.2% (77.8%, 80.5%) Showing results for leave-one-out
(54) Lab-specific, ABIDE Lab-specific: 74 autism, 107 NT
ABIDE: 44 autism, 44 NT
Lab-specific: ~30 ± 8 per site
ABIDE: site-specific
82% LRC FC from 140 × 140 ROIs (extended BrainVisa Sulci atlas) (142) Internal (leave-one-out CV); external validation 85% (80%, 89%) Results are reported for leave-one-out; accuracy on external data = 75%
(48) IBIS 11 autism
48 HR
2 69% SVM FC from 230 × 230 ROIs (including nodes from Power atlas) (140) Internal (leave-one-out CV) 96.6% (81.8%, 100%)
(55) ABIDE 55 autism
55 NT
8–19 76% NN FC from 116 × 116 ROIs (AAL atlas) (139) Internal (5-fold nested CV) 86.36%
(57) ABIDE 126 autism
126 NT
7–36 81% RF, CRF FC from 220 × 220 ROIs (Power atlas) (140) External validation sample 66.7% Highest accuracy using CRF in validation dataset shown here; highest accuracy using RF in validation data = 71%
(12) ABIDE 403 autism
468 NT
Site-specific Site-specific SVM Various tested Internal (10-fold CV); leave-one-site-out CV 66.8% Highest accuracy obtained in leave-one-site-out analyses using a dictionary learning-based atlas (143)
(56) ABIDE 505 autism
530 NT
Site-specific Site-specific NN FC from 200 × 200 ROIs (Craddock atlas) (144) Internal (5-fold, 10-fold CV); leave-one-site-out CV 70 (74%, 63%) Showing results for 10-fold CV
(58) ABIDE 816 autism + NT 5–65 SVM GT properties (AAL atlas) (139) Internal (10-fold CV) 95% (97%, 91%) Highest accuracy obtained across various pipelines, age groups (obtained in 30+ year olds) using sparse inverse covariance to estimate connectivity
GT properties included various measures of integration, segregation, and centrality
(59) ABIDE 505 autism
530 NT
Site-specific Site-specific NN FC from 200 × 200 ROIs (Craddock atlas) (144) Internal (5-fold, 10-fold CV) 70.3% (68.3%, 72.2%) Showing results for 10-fold CV
(60) ABIDE 408 autism
401 NT
Autism: 16.5 ± 6.7
NT: 16.8 ± 7.8
84% NN Various tested Internal (various k-fold CV strategies tested); leave-one-site-out CV 73.2% (74.5%, 71.7%) Showing results for 10-fold CV using a combination of features from AAL + HO + Craddock atlases, along with demographic data
(61) ABIDE 506 autism
548 NT
16.86 ± 7.55 85% SVM FC from 200 × 200 ROIs (Craddock atlas) (144) Internal (10-fold nested CV) 72.2% (68.6%, 75.4%)
(62) ABIDE 505 autism
530 NT
Site-specific Site-specific NN FC from 392 × 392 ROIs (Craddock atlas) (144) Internal (10-fold CV); leave-one-site-out CV 70.2% (77.5%, 61.8%) Showing results for 10-fold CV
(63) ABIDE 505 autism
530 NT
NN FC from 116 × 116 ROIs (AAL atlas) (139); voxel-wise × ROI FC Internal (test set validation) 74%
(64) ABIDE 45 autism
47 NT
7–15 78% SVM FC from 116 × 116 ROIs (AAL atlas) (139); various dFC measures Internal (6-fold nested CV) 83% (82%, 84%) Showing results from a combination of FC and dFC measures that resulted in best performance
(65) ABIDE 505 autism
530 NT
NN FC from 200 × 200 ROIs (Craddock atlas) (144) Internal (10-fold nested CV); leave-one-site-out CV 76.4% (77.8%, 75%) Showing results from 10-fold CV
(66) ABIDE 403 autism
468 NT
NN FC from 264 × 264 ROIs (Power atlas) (140) Internal (10-fold CV) 79.2%
(67) ABIDE 306 autism
350 NT
6–18 Varied by analysis RF FC from 237 × 237 ROIs [Gordon (145) + HO subcortical (146) + cerebellar (147) atlases] Bootstrapping CV (one third left out) 62.5% (60%, 65%) Main sample size is shown here; different subsamples were tested consisting of n = 200 with autism and n = 200 NT participants
Results from subsample including males and females with no ADOS score cutoffs

Table adapted with permission from (9). Note that studies are arranged in chronological order such that more recent studies are at the bottom of the table.

AAL, automated anatomical labeling; ABIDE, Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange; ADOS, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; CRF, conditional random forest; CV, cross-validation; dFC, dynamic functional connectivity; FC, functional connectivity; GT, graph theory; HO, Harvard-Oxford atlas; HR, high risk; IBIS, Infant Brain Imaging Study; LRC, logistic regression classifier; NN, neural network; NT, neurotypical; RF, random forest; ROI, region of interest; SVM, support vector machine.