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. 2024 Jan 5;31(3):498–512. doi: 10.1038/s41594-023-01181-7

Fig. 6. Dynamics between DNA methylation and 3D chromatin interactions.

Fig. 6

a, Experimental design for the TAMR cell line study. Created with b, Distribution of DNA methylation for control early, control late, day-7 decitabine and decitabine recovery (n = 2 technical replicates each) TAMRs for all EPIC probes. Black line indicates median ± s.d. Box plots show median, interquartile range and maximum–minimum DNA methylation. c, O/E fold change enrichment of DMRs in day-7 decitabine TAMRs compared to control early across TAMR ChromHMM regulatory regions (*P < 0.001, permutation test). The numbers located within each specific region are presented in the respective column. d, O/E fold change enrichment of day-7 decitabine hypomethylated DMRs (compared to control early) and decitabine recovery re-methylated DMRs (compared to day-7 decitabine) for ER binding in TAMRs3 (*P < 0.0001, permutation test). e, O/E fold change enrichment of EPIC DMRs that become re-methylated in decitabine recovery TAMRs compared to day-7 decitabine cells across TAMR ChromHMM regulatory regions (*P < 0.001, permutation test). The numbers located within each specific region are presented in the respective column. f, Number of enhancer OEs per promoter bait for each promoter-anchored interaction in day-7 decitabine and control early TAMRs. Merged data across replicates shown. Data were analyzed by two-tailed Pearson’s correlation test. g, Number of enhancer OEs per promoter bait for each promoter-anchored interaction in decitabine recovery and control late TAMRs. Merged data across replicates shown. Data were analyzed by two-tailed Pearson’s correlation test. h, Schematic representation of two identified classes (gained and lost; gained and maintained) of gained chromatin interactions in TAMRs. i, Overlap of enhancer OEs between day-7 decitabine and control early (left panel) and decitabine recovery and control late TAMRs (right panel). Bottom diagram shows overlap between gained interactions in day-7 decitabine versus control early and in decitabine recovery versus control late, demonstrating the number of gained and lost versus gained and maintained interactions. Merged data across replicates shown.

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