A) Schematic diagram of the generation of the lines using a CRISPR-Cas9 approach. The sgRNA sequences were selected as described previously (
Long et al., 2018), and integrated into a pCas9 plasmid using a DNA assembly method. The pCas9-sgRNA 3′ expresses Cas9 and sgRNA, which specifically cleave at the sgRNA region, creating a double strain DNA break (DSB) at the 3′ untranslated region of a specific gene. An amplicon containing an IAA-inducible degron (AID) fragment, a resistant cassette, and homologous regions (HR1 and HR2) at both ends was amplified from a generic plasmid. The HR1 and HR2 targeted the amplicon to integrate at the DSB, resulting in an in-frame integration of the AID fragment at the end of the encoding sequences. The primers were designed for diagnostic PCR for testing endogenous DNA and integration of the amplicon, and a scale bar was added at the bottom of the figure. (
B) Diagnostic PCR of the AID lines. Endogenous (endo) and integration (integ) PCRs were performed with pairs of primers Fc/Rc (endo) and Fc/Rc2 (integ) as shown in (
A), and the control (contr) PCR was performed with primers for the tubulin promoter region. The product sizes for the endo PCR in both the AID lines were 700 bp, while the sizes of the integ PCR were 1357 bp for AMT1-AID-6Ty, 1407 bp for AMT2-AID-6Ty, and 1326 bp for AMT2-AID-3HA. M, DNA marker. (
C) Co-localization of AID-Ty fusions with the apicoplast marker ACP. Parasites were analyzed by IFA using antibodies against Ty (red) and ACP (green), followed by secondary antibodies conjugated with Alexa Fluors. Scale = 5 μm.