Fig. 1. Design of a nanopore-powered DNA origami turbine.
a, Schematic of a right-handed DNA turbine docked into a nanopore (side view at top; axial view at bottom). b, Two cross-sections of the DNA turbine highlighting the designed twist. c, 3D electron density map of the right-handed DNA turbine determined via single-particle cryo-EM (side and bottom views; see also Supplementary Fig. 2). d, Cross-sections at the top and the bottom of the 3D cryo-EM reconstruction right-handed turbine, highlighting the right-handed twist density of −1.1° bp−1. e,f, The same as c,d but for the left-handed DNA turbine, highlighting the twist density of +0.69° bp−1. g, Schematic of a right-handed DNA turbine with its load, a 300-nm-long DNA bundle with the middle 220 nm reinforced with 16 DNA helices instead of 6 helices, and a 900 nm looped leash docked onto a solid-state silicon nitride nanopore. h, SNUPI-simulated structure of the right-handed DNA turbine with a DNA bundle attached as a load (leash excluded). i, Negatively stained transmission electron micrograph of a typical right-handed DNA turbine with the load.