1 |
Nearest neighbor index (R) |
R is the nearest neighbor index, Is the actual closest distance; Is the theoretical closest distance; D represents the point density; When R = 1, the distribution of point elements is random; R > 1, the point elements tend to be uniform; R < 1, point elements tend to be condensed |
It's a geographical indicator indicating the proximity of point elements in geographical space [34] |
2 |
kernel density estimation f(x) |
f(x) is the estimated kernel density, is the kernel function; h is the search bandwidth,nis the number of point elements; represents the distance from estimated points x to
Reflecting the degree of condensation by the spatial distribution of point density [35,45] |
3 |
Moran index(I) |
I is the Moran index; 、 represent the standardized values of the observed values of space unit i and j; is the space weight |
It represents the spatial correlation between point elements and adjacent points [36] |
4 |
Cold and hot analysis () |
、 represent the number of villages in region i and region j respectively; represents the space weight function; is the expected value; is the coefficient of variation |
It's used to measure the spatial dependence intensity between a point and other points within the range of distance [30] |
5 |
Geodetector(Q) |
h = 1,,L is the stratification of variable Y or factor X; and N are the number of units in layer h and the whole area respectively; and are the variances of layer h and region Y values respectively |
It's used to detect whether a factor affects the reason for the spatial differentiation of a certain indicator value, and the degree of strength [46] |