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. 2023 Feb 13;23(2):620–677. doi: 10.1007/s12311-022-01506-0

Table 2.

Overview of extracerebellar afferents to the CN. This overview is not intended to be exhaustive

CNS origin listed by projection type Origin Med IntP IntA Lat Cereb. cortex Species Remarks and references
Climbing fiber CN branches
Medulla oblongata Inferior olive  +   +++   ++   +++   +++  Cat, rat 1, 2, 3
Mossy fiber CN branches
Spinal cord Cervical cord  ++   ++   ++  0  +++  Rat 4
Thoracic cord  ++   ++   ++  0  ++  Rat 5
Column of Clarke  +  0  +  0  +++  Mouse 6
Upper lumbar cord  ++   ++   ++   +   +++  Rat 7
Sacral and lower lumbar cord  ++   +   +++  0  +++  Rat 4, 7
Medulla oblongata External cuneate nucleus 0 0 0 0  ++  Rat 8, 9
Cuneate/gracile nucleus 0 0 0 0  ++  Cat, rat 9, 10
Spinal trigeminal nucleus  ++   ++   ++   ++   +++  Rat 11
Lateral reticular nucleus  ++   ++   +++   +   +++  Rat 12, 13
Paramedian reticular nucleus  ++   ++   ++   ++   +++  Rat 14
Gigantocellular reticular nucleus  ++   ++   ++   ++   ++  Rat 14
Magnocellular reticular nucleus  ++   ++   ++   ++   ++  Rat 14
Vestibular ganglion 0 0 0 0  ++  Cat, rabbit 15, 16
Medial vestibular nucleus  ++  0 0 0  ++  Mouse 17
Spinal vestibular nucleus ? ? ? ?  ++  Rabbit 18
Superior vestibular nucleus ? ? ? ?  ++  Rabbit 18
Metencephalon Basal pontine nucleus 0  +  0  ++   +++  Rat 19
Reticular tegmental pontine nucleus  +++   +++   +   +++   +++  Rat 19
Medulla oblongata Caudal raphe interpositus  +   ++   +   ++  0 Rat ?, Not mono-aminergic; 20
Metencephalon Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus  ++   ++   ++   ++   ++  Rat Cholinergic; 21
Dorsal tegmental nucleus  ++   ++   ++   ++   ++  Cat Serotonergic; 22
Dorsal raphe nucleus  ++   ++   ++   ++   ++  Cat Serotonergic; 22
Locus coeruleus  ++   ++   ++   ++   ++  Cat Noradrenergic; 23
Mesencephalon Magnocellular red nucleus 0  +   ++   +  0 Mouse/rat Collaterals of rubrospinal neurons; 24, 25
Diencephalon Tuberomammillary nucleus and hypo-thalamic regions  ++   +   +  0  ++  Rat (mostly?) Histaminergic; 26,27

0 no, or very scant, projection; + sparse projection; +  + moderate projection; +  +  + dense projection; ? no information. References: 1: [41]; 2: [42]; 3: [43]; 4: [44]; 5: [45]; 6: [46]; 7: [47]; 8: [48]; 9: [49]; 10: [50]; 11: [51]; 12: [52]; 13: [53]; 14: [54]; 15: [55]; 16: [56]; 17: [57]; 18: [58]; 19: [59]; 20: [60];21: [61]; 22: [62]; 23: [63]; 24: [64]; 25: [65]; 26: [63]; 27: [66]