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. 2024 Mar 19;14:6624. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-57152-5

Table 2.

Static and dynamic parameters related to the left and right striatum for each patient.

Pt. # Grade Age (y) Sex (M/F) Tremor side Mean activity 3 h p.i. (kBq/ml) SBR Model parameters by SRTM
Calculated By DaTQUANT BPND R1 K2
Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left
1 2 76 M L 7.8 9.0 1.67 2.07 1.15 1.56 1.82 1.86 1.25 1.19 0.046 0.069
2 3 59 M R 14.0 11.8 6.80 5.61 3.08 2.69 6.55 6.85a 1.43 1.24 0.042 0.028
3 3 74 M R 11.8 11.8 3.97 3.95 2.47 2.38 3.88 3.76 1.10 1.23 0.054 0.058
4 3 77 M R 15.5 12.3 5.15 3.88 4.04 3.23 5.14 3.66 1.38 1.35 0.064 0.061
Median (min;max) 75 (59;77) 12.9 (7.8;15.5) 11.8 (9.0;12.3) 4.56 (1.67;6.80) 3.92 (2.07;5.61) 2.78 (1.15;4.40) 2.54 (1.56;3.23) 4.51 (1.82;6.55) 3.71 (1.86;6.85) 1.32 (1.10;1.43) 1.24 (1.19;1.35) 0.050 (0.042;0.064) 0.060 (0.028;0.069)
Combined median (min;max) 11.8 (7.8;15.5) 3.96 (1.67;6.80) 2.58 (1.15;4.04) 3.82 (1.82;6.85) 1.25 (1.10;1.43) 0.056 (0.028;0.069)
5 4 73 M L 16.3 12.2 6.13 4.36 4.54 3.23 6.68 7.20a 1.98 1.98 0.049 0.027
6 4 78 F R 17.3 18.0 5.86 6.11 3.82 3.81 7.52 7.17 1.29 1.25 0.050 0.056
7 5 55 M N/A 19.2 18.9 6.50 6.38 4.80 5.03 8.04 7.67 1.08 1.30 0.083 0.079
8 5 56 M L 21.1 19.4 6.30 5.70 4.39 4.21 9.83 7.79 1.80 1.24 0.030 0.032
9 5 70 F L 20.8 19.6 6.64 6.20 4.40 4.04 6.75 5.86 1.72 1.34 0.069 0.085
10 5 73 M L 19.8 19.7 8.23 8.16 4.73 4.83 8.19 7.75 1.72 1.39 0.074 0.084
11 5 83 M N/A 23.1 21.4 7.63 7.02 3.89 4.06 9.35 8.62 1.89 1.66 0.052 0.049
12 5 69 M R 22.7 23.5 8.07 8.47 5.60 5.66 7.59 7.81 0.59 0.77 0.060 0.064
13 5 57 F N/A 33.4 33.6 10.00 10.07 6.50 6.79 9.13 9.00 1.19 0.69 0.096 0.096
Median (min;max) 70 (55;83) 20.8 (16.3;33.4) 19.6 (12.2;33.6) 6.64 (5.86;10.00) 6.38 (4.36;10.07) 4.54 (3.82;6.50) 4.21 (3.23;6.79) 8.04 (6.68;9.83) 7.75 (7.17;9.00) 1.72 (0.59;1.98) 1.30 (0.77;1.98) 0.060 (0.030;0.096) 0.064 (0.027;0.096)
Combined median (min;max) 19.8 (12.2;33.6) 6.57 (4.36;10.07) 4.47 (3.23;6.79) 7.77 (6.68;9.83) 1.32 (0.59;1.98) 0.062 (0.027;0.096)
Median, all (min;max) 73 (55;83) 19.2 (7.8;33.4) 18.9 (9.0;33.6) 6.50 (1.67;10.00) 6.11 (2.07;10.07) 4.39 (1.15;6.50) 4.04 (1.56;6.79) 7.52 (1.82;9.83) 7.20 (1.86;9.00) 1.38 (0.59;1.98) 1.25 (0.77;1.98) 0.054 (0.030:0.096) 0.061 (0.027;0.096)

The table shows data for all the patients with their grade (according to Kahraman), sex (male/female), tremor side (right-sided or left-sided) and the values, for left and right striatum, of 3 h post-injection (p.i.) mean activity concentrations, specific binding ratio (SBR) (as calculated and as extracted from DaTQUANT), non-displaceable binding potential (BP), R1 and K2. Patients #1–4 were categorized as low-score (LS) and patients #5–13 were categorized as high-score (HS). Medians (min;max) are presented for data from both right and left striatum and their combined right + left data, for both LS and HS patients. A median (min;max) of all patients’ data from both the left and the right striatum is also presented.

N/A Not applicable.

aHad standard error rates more than 100%.