Table 1.
UCSF Combination HIV Cure
Trial In-Depth Interview Guide – Post-Analytical Treatment Interruption (ATI) SECTION I: INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONS – PERSONAL BACKGROUND ● Are you back on your HIV medications? ● What was it like to be off your HIV medications for X days/weeks/months and now being back on them? ● What was the overall feeling you had while pausing your HIV medications? Were your expectations met or not? Please explain. ● What was the best part about being in this trial? What was the worst part? Do you have any concerns having completed the study? SECTION 2: KNOWLEDGE FACTORS ● Why you were asked to stop taking your medications? ● What did you learn about the trial that you did not know when you started? ● How do you think your participation impacts what we know about HIV cure-related research? ● At this time in the trial, how do you feel about the combination of interventions that you received? SECTION 3: DECISION-MAKING FACTORS ● Stepping back, how satisfied are you with your decision to participate in this study? What were the risks in your view? ● What were the benefits? How do you weigh them? SECTION 4: PSYCHOSOCIAL AND PARTNER FACTORS ● Overall, how are you feeling emotionally, right now, after you finished the treatment interruption? ● How did your viral load change during the study? ● Did you have any sexual partners during the study? ● What resources, information, or people, did you leverage to talk about risks of sex while off your HIV medications? ● What do you consider acceptable partner protection measures during the HIV treatment interruptions (e.g., PrEP referral for partners, etc.)? Is there anything else the study trial could have done to support you with partner protection? SECTION 5: CONCLUSIONS ● Do you have any recommendations to improve the conduct of future clinical trials like this one? |