Figure 2.
Combined overview of the microbiota changes showing that tumor presence alters gut bacterial structure and diversity in the GSC-005 mouse cohort
(A) We observe significant differences in the bacterial composition and structure (Aitchison distance) between groups: naive, PBS, indoximod, and Delta-24-RGDOX (PERMANOVA p = 0.001). The taxa arrow-features responsible for group clustering are highlighted in the compositional biplot. Each arrow corresponds to the specific feature (ASV), and its size indicates the strength of the relationship of that ASV with the community composition and grouping. (B) Differences in the bacterial structure with clear clustering between treatments (PERMANOVA p = 0.004), naive group excluded. (C) No differences in richness (Chao1) between groups (KW p > 0.05), although animals administered PBS have a tendency toward higher richness. (D) Shannon index and significant differences in the bacterial community diversity between naive vs. PBS with survival of 50–56 days (KW p = 0.025347) and PBS with survival of 50–56 days vs. indoximod with a survival of 50–56 days (KW p = 0.025347), observing a higher diversity in the GSC-005 glioma-bearing mice administered PBS. See also Table S4.