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. 2024 Mar 20;28(7):e18225. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.18225



IL‐10 is a direct target of miR‐769‐5p and regulates the autophagy pathway via the circLOC729852/miR‐769‐5p/IL‐10 axis. (A) Transfection of NC, inhibitor, inhibitor+sh‐circ and inhibitor+sh‐IL‐10, rescue experiment was performed to examine the expression of autophagy, EMT marker and IL‐10 protein. (B) UM‐UC‐3 cells after transfection of NC and sh‐circ were used to conduct Xenograft tumour model in nude mice. (C) Tumour weight in NC group and sh‐circ transfected mice. (D) Every 3 days, during the process of in vitro tumour formation, the tumour volume was measured and calculated, and the volume growth curve was obtained. (E) Expression of CD14 and CD206 in 20 paired BLCA and adjacent normal tissues. (F) Expression of CD14 and CD206 in 6 paired mouse tumours. (G) The expression of CD14 and CD206 in circLOC729852 high and low expressed tissues. (H) IHC detected the infiltration of CD14+ macrophages in xenograft tumours. (I) IHC detected the infiltration of CD206+ macrophages in xenograft tumours. (J) IHC detection of IL‐10 expression in xenograft tumours.