Locus name | Lead variant (Chr:Pos) | EA/NEA (EAF) | χ 2 (df) | p association | p ancestry | Variant type |
DUSP10 | rs12129860 (1:222153461) | G/T (0.196) | 90.86 (4) | 8.64 × 10−19 | 9.59 × 10−3 | Regulatory region |
CAPN2 | rs10916600 (1:223897012) | T/C (0.214) | 66.43 (4) | 1.28 × 10−13 | 1.80 × 10−11 | Intron |
MERTK | rs10188642 (2:112741099) | A/G (0.521) | 182.48 (4) | 2.19 × 10−38 | 0.40 | Intron |
FTCDNL1 | rs4673382 (2:200492346) | G/A (0.653) | 164.96 (4) | 1.26 × 10−34 | 0.52 | Intergenic |
FHL5 | rs11153085 (6:97066355) | T/A (0.326) | 88.53 (4) | 2.70 × 10−18 | 0.30 | Regulatory region |
PLCE1 | rs2274224 (10:96039597) | G/C (0.551) | 58.68 (4) | 5.48 × 10−12 | 0.28 | Missense variant |
LRP1 | rs11172113 (12:57527283) | T/C (0.635) | 46.08 (4) | 2.37 × 10−9 | 0.40 | Intron |
Note: Locus name = the closest protein‐coding gene within a 250‐Kb window.
Abbreviation: χ 2 = chi square test statistic from MR‐MEGA; Ancestry = heterogeneity due to different ancestry; Chr = chromosome; df = number degrees of freedom; EA = effect allele, which here is set to correspond with the risk allele; EAF = effect allele frequency; NEA = non‐effect allele; Pos = position (hg19).