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. 2023 Oct 23;88(1):4–26. doi: 10.1111/ahg.12534


List of cilia structure, function, and signaling genes (mentioned in the article), in alphabetical order, that cause cardiac defects when mutated.

Gene symbol Gene name First/second‐order cilia gene Mutant phenotype Reference
ARMC4 Armadillo repeat containing 4 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Hjeij et al., 2013; Onoufriadis et al., 2014)
CCDC 40 Coiled‐coil domain containing 40 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Becker‐Heck et al., 2011; Sugrue & Zohn, 2017)
CCDC151 Coiled‐coil domain containing 151 First order Laterality defects, dextrocardia, ventricular septal defects (Hjeij et al., 2014)
CCDC39 Coiled‐coil domain containing 39 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Solomon et al., 2017)
CRELD1 Cysteine Rich With EGF Like Domains 1 Second order Atrioventricular septal defects (AVSDs), valve defects (Beckert et al., 2021, Burnicka‐Turek et al., 2016)
DHH Desert hedgehog Second order Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) (Fulmer et al., 2020)
DNAAF1 Dynein axonemal assembly factor 1 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Hartill et al., 2018)
DNAAF3 Dynein axonemal assembly factor 3 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Mitchison et al., 2012)
DNAH5 Dynein axonemal heavy chain 5 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Nöthe‐Menchen et al., 2019)
DNAH6 Dynein axonemal heavy chain 6 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Y. Li et al., 2016)
DNAH7 Dynein axonemal heavy chain 7 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Y. J. Zhang et al., 2002)
DNAH 10 Dynein axonemal heavy chain 10 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (C. Liu et al., 2018)
DNAH11 Dynein axonemal heavy chain 11 First order Laterality defects, AVSDs (Bartoloni et al., 2002; Burnicka‐Turek et al., 2016; Dougherty et al., 2016; S. Liu et al., 2019; Xia et al., 2021)
DNAIC1 Dynein Axonemal Intermediate Chain 1 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Francis et al., 2012)
DYX1C1(DNAAF4) Dyslexia Susceptibility 1 Candidate 1 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Tarkar et al., 2013)
DZIP1 DAZ interacting zinc finger protein 1 First order MVP (Toomer et al., 2019)
EXOC5 Exocyst complex component 5 First order Bicuspid aortic valve disease and aortic stenosis (Fulmer et al., 2019)
FTM (Rpgrip1l) Fantom First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects, AVSD (Gerhardt et al., 2013; Vierkotten et al., 2007)
GPR22 G protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR) 22 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects, cardiac edema (Verleyen et al., 2014)
GRK5 GPCR kinase 5 Second order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects, valve development defects (Burkhalter et al., 2013; Casar Tena et al., 2015)
IFT20 Intraflagellar transport 20 First order Proepicardial organ and myocardial tissue size defects (Peralta et al., 2020)
IFT46 Intraflagellar transport 46 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Lee et al., 2015)
IFT54 (TRAF3IP1) Intraflagellar transport 54(TRAF3 interacting protein 1) First order Proepicardial organ and myocardial tissue size defects (Peralta et al., 2020)
IFT57 Intraflagellar transport 57 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Houde et al., 2006)
IFT74 Intraflagellar transport 74 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects, AVSD, hypoplastic left heart (Bakey et al., 2023)
IFT88 Intraflagellar transport 88 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects, outflow tract defects, ventricular trabeculation defects, cardiac cushion EMT defects, valves defects, proepicardial organ and myocardial tissue size defects (Burns et al., 2019; Clement et al., 2009; Murcia et al., 2000; Peralta et al., 2020; Toomer et al., 2019; Willaredt et al., 2012)
IFT172 Intraflagellar transport 172 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Gorivodsky et al., 2009)
INVS Inversin First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Lowe et al., 1996, Okada et al., 1999; Watanabe et al., 2003; Yokoyama et al., 1993)
KIF3A kinesin family member 3A First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Takeda et al., 1999)
KIF3B kinesin family member 3B First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Nonaka et al., 1998)
MEGF8 Multiple Epidermal Growth Factor‐like Domains 8 Second order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Y. Li et al., 2015; Z. Zhang et al., 2009)
MKS1 MKS Transition Zone Complex Subunit 1 First order AVSDs (Burnicka‐Turek et al., 2016; Cui et al., 2011)
MNS1 Meiosis specific nuclear structural 1 First order Laterality defects (Ta‐Shma et al., 2018)
PDGFR‐α Platelet‐derived growth factor receptor‐alpha Second order MVP (Moore et al., 2021)
PKD1 Polycystin 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting First order AVSDs, myocardial wall thinning, double‐outlet right ventricle, cardiac valves defects (Boulter et al., 2001; Juan et al., 2023)
PKD1L1 Polycystin 1 like 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects, cardiac valve defects (Field et al., 2011; Juan et al., 2023)
PKD2 Polycystin 2, transient receptor potential cation channel First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects, cardiac septation defects, cardiac valve defects (Juan et al., 2023; Pennekamp et al., 2002; G. Wu et al., 2000)
TBC1D32 TBC1 domain family member 32 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Y. Li et al., 2015)
TCTN2 Tectonic family member 2 First order Ventricular septal defects (Sang et al., 2011)
TTC25 Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 25 First order Laterality defects, cardiac looping defects (Wallmeier et al., 2016)

Note: First‐order genes are those that encode proteins required to form the cilia, cilia motility, or for cilia cargo transport. Second‐order genes are those that participate in signaling at the cilium or have undefined roles in the cilium.