Numbers and area fraction of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)+ staining, and numbers of ionized calcium binding adapter molecule‐1 (Iba‐1), ameboid Iba‐1, oligodendrocyte transcription factor‐2 (olig‐2), anti‐adenomatous polyposis coli clone (CC1)+ cells, the ratio of CC1+ to Olig2+ cells and the area fraction of myelin basic protein (MBP)+ staining in the intragyral and periventricular white matter (IGWM and PvWM, respectively) in sham control (open circles, n = 6), vehicle + umbilical cord occlusion (UCO; black circles, n = 6) and MgSO4 + UCO (grey circles, n = 7) groups. Data are scatter plots showing means and SD. Data were analysed using a two‐way ANOVA, with treatment as an independent factor and brain region as a repeated measure. Post hoc comparisons were made using Fisher's protected least significant difference test. *
P < 0.05