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. 2023 Sep 4;66(3):362–378. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15745


Attention, inattentive and hyperactive symptomatology, and executive functioning assessments undertaken.

Domain Task(s) Procedure Outcome measure Variable used for analysis Categorization of impairment
Attention: Test of Everyday Attention for Children
Selective attention Sky Search Circle targets while ignoring distractors on A3 sheet Time per target circled on a sheet without distractors subtracted from the time per target circled during the test Age‐ and sex‐specific scaled score (test mean [SD] = 10 [3]) Scaled score < 6
Sustained attention Score! Ten trials of counting the number of tonal sounds heard with varying lengths of silence between them Accuracy number of correct total tonal counts out of 10
Sustained and selective attention dual task Sky Search dual task Execute Sky Search and Score! tasks simultaneously Sky Search dual task time per target minus Sky Search time per target adjusted for the correct number of tones counted
Attentional control Creature counting Seven trials of switching between counting figures on a page upwards (1–3) and downwards (1–3) several times per trial Accuracy – number of correct totals out of 7
Same or opposite worlds Rapidly naming a string of printed ones and twos either with the correct name (1 say ‘one’– same world condition; 2 trials) or using the opposite name (1 say ‘two’– opposite world condition; 2 trials) Difference between total time taken on the opposite and same world trials; additionally z‐scored to TDC mean and SD z‐score > 1.5
Non‐motor processing speed Same world first time 14 As above Time taken on the first trial of the same world task, additionally z‐scored to TDC mean and SD 21

z‐score > 1.5

ADHD symptomatology and executive functioning: Conners 3
Inattention symptoms DSM‐5 Inattention Scale Parent‐completed questionnaire related to observed behaviours related to symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity and impaired executive functioning where each question is scored 0–3, where 0 is not true at all, never, and seldom, and 3 is very much true, very often, very frequently Total score for each scale Age‐ and sex‐specific T‐score (test mean [SD] = 50 [10])

Elevated inattentive symptoms: inattentive T‐score ≥ 65, hyperactive or impulsive < 65

Elevated hyperactive or impulsive: hyperactive or impulsive T‐score ≥ 65, inattentive < 65

Elevated inattentive and hyperactive or impulsive symptoms: ADHD inattentive and hyperactive or impulsive T‐scores both ≥5

Hyperactivity symptoms DSM‐5 Hyperactivity Scale
Executive functioning Executive Functioning Impairment Scale T‐score ≥ 65

Abbreviations: ADHD, attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder; DSM‐5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition; TDC, typically developing children.