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. 2023 Mar 20;130(8):866–879. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.17443


Summary table of systematic reviews with meta‐analysis.

Systematic review Population No. of studies No. of participants Index prognostic factor (cervical length) Outcome definition (spontaneous preterm birth, < gestational age in weeks) Timing (GA at measurement) Methods
Cervical length cutoff values (mm) No. of studies per cutoff set Design Data source Data synthesis
Leitich 1999 Singleton, normal risk a 6 106–3694 20, 25, 29, 30, 34, 35, 39, 40, 45, 50, 55 1–2 35, 37 20, means: 20+4, 23+4, 27+6; 29 Diagnostic Aggregate Study sensitivities/ specificities plotted as ROC curve
Twin, unselected 1 253 25 1 32, 35, 37 23, 27.5 (mean)
Honest 2003 Singleton, normal or high‐risk a 18 50–6877 10, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29, 30, 35, 39, 40, 45, 50, 60 1–5 32, 34, 37 <20, 20–24, >24 Diagnostic Aggregate sROC curves, LR+/LR−
Twin, unselected or high‐risk 11 43–434 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 1–4 32, 34, 37 <20, 20–24, >24
Krupa 2006 Singleton and twin 6 32–2915 Not described Not described Not described Not described n/a n/a n/a
Crane 2008 Singleton, high‐risk 14 42–1476 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 1–9 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37 <20, 12–24, 14–18, 14–24, 15–20, 15–24, 16–19, 18–22, 20–24, <24, 24–28, 24–30, 25–29, <32 Diagnostic Aggregate Fixed effects meta‐analysis, summary LR+/LR−
Honest 2009 Singleton, normal or high‐risk a 13 69–6334 15, 20, 22, 25, 27, 30, 35, 39 1–2 34, 37 <20, 20–24, >24 Diagnostic Aggregate Meta‐analysis technique not further described. Summary LR+/LR−
Conde‐Agudelo 2010 Twin, unselected (one study post‐selective reduction of triplets) a 16 18–1135 15–20, 15.9 ± 0.3, 18, 18–24, 18–26, 18–36, 20, 20–25, 20–32, 21–23, 22–24, 23, 23–33, 24, 24–26, 24–36, 25–28, 25–32, 26–28, 28, 32, <34, 38 2–6 34, 37 20–24 Diagnostic Aggregate Bivariate random‐effects meta‐analysis. sROC curves, sensitivity, specificity, LR+/LR−
Domin 2010 Singleton, normal or high‐risk 23 57–6877 20, 25, 33.15 ns 35, 37 <20, >20, 14–24 Diagnostic Aggregate Random‐effects meta‐analysis, ROC curves. AUC, sensitivity, specificity, LR+/−
Lim 2011 Twin, with or without additional risk factors 16 14–434 20, 25, 30, 35 not reported <30, 30–34, <34 <20, 20–24, >24 Diagnostic Aggregate Bivariate regression analysis. Sensitivity, specificity
Honest 2012 (data from 2009) Singleton, normal or high‐risk a ns ns 15, 20, 22, 25, 30, 32.5 1–5 34, 37 14–20, 20–24 Diagnostic Aggregate Meta‐analysis technique not described. Summary LR+/−
Kleinrouweler 2013 Singleton, previous SPTB a 7 37−76 476 15, 15–20, 20–25, 25–30, ≥30 ns 32, 34, 37 <15, 15–20, 20–25, 25–30, ≥30 Prognostic Individual participant Univariable analysis, wo‐level random intercept logistic regression models, Cox regression analysis, % risk
Conde‐Agudelo 2014 Twin, unselected (one study post‐selective reduction of triplets) 16 (single measure) 434–1955 20, 25 3–5 28, 32, 34, 37 20–24 Diagnostic Aggregate Meta‐analysis technique not described. ROC curve or sensitivity, specificity, LR+
7 (shortening over time) 1004 Any shortening ns 28–36 ns
Barros Silva 2014 Singleton (normal or high‐risk) or twin 21 80–5068 10, 15, 20, 22, 23.3, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 35 1–8 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37 18, 18–21, 18–22, 18–24, 20–24, 21–24, 22–24, 23, 24 n/a n/a n/a
Conde‐Agudelo 2015 Singleton, normal or high‐risk 6 68–2531 Any shortening 1–5 35, 37 Disregarded Diagnostic Aggregate Bivariate random effects meta‐analysis, sROC curves. Sensitivity, specificity, LR+
Twin, unselected 7 20–209 Any shortening 3–7 28, 30, 32, 34
Kindinger 2016 Twin, without additional risk factors a 12 22–1138 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 12 28, 28–32, 32–36, ≥36 18–26 Prognostic Individual participant Multinomial logistic regression, multinomial log‐linear model. % risk

Note: Where two lines of data are listed for a single review, the first line indicates the thresholds reported by the review. The second line indicates the thresholds reported in the included primary studies.

Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; GA, gestational age; LR, likelihood ratio; n/a, not applicable; ns, not specified; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; sROC, summary receiver operating characteristic.


Includes unpublished data.