Carvacrol (24 h) induces TRPA1‐mediated demyelination in organotypic cortical brain slices. (a) Scheme of organotypic cortical brain slices treatment with Carvacrol and A967079 + Carvacrol. (b) Representative images of 2 weeks organotypic cortical brain slice show immunolabeling for DAPI (blue), NF160 (green), MBP (red), Olig2 (white), and merge in CTRL, Carvacrol, and A967079 + Carvacrol. (c) Quantification of MBP+ process length (% of control) in CTRL (n = 22), Carvacrol (n = 11), and A967079 + Carvacrol (n = 11). (d) Quantification of NF160+ fluorescence intensity. Data are mean ± SEM, one‐way ANOVA and Bonferroni's multiple comparisons test, *p < .05. (e) Quantification of Olig2+ cells (% of control) in CTRL (n = 23), Carvacrol (n = 11), and A967079 + Carvacrol (n = 11). Data are mean ± SEM, unpaired t‐test, **p < .01, ****p < .0001.