Table 1.
The seven stages of histopathological change after MI – Lodge‐Patch scale.
Stage | Description |
I | Earliest changes where stretching and waviness of myocardial fibres are observed and these myocytes have eosinophilic cytoplasm and pyknosis |
II | Coagulation necrosis of cardiomyocytes with haemorrhage or neutrophil infiltration, but without CD68+ macrophages |
III | Coagulation necrosis of cardiomyocytes with infiltration of CD68+ macrophages in addition to neutrophils |
IV | Early stage of granulation in which fragmented myocytes with coagulation necrosis, many CD68+ macrophages, a few neutrophils, and fibroblasts are found |
V | Mature granulation tissue with CD68+ macrophages and fibroblasts, but without necrotic myocytes or neutrophils |
VI | The stage of fibrosis with abundant myofibroblasts positive for smooth muscle actin, in which the interstitium is weakly stained blue by Azan–Mallory throughout the lesion |
VII | The lesion is replaced with scar tissue with a decrease of myofibroblasts and uniformly stained blue by Azan–Mallory |