Extended Data Fig. 4 |. Both JunB FKO and BKO mice exhibit improved diet-induced insulin resistance, related to Fig. 4.
6-week-old male JunB FKO and control mice were fed with HFD for 16 weeks and used for the studies (4a-h). The percentage of larger adipocytes was decreased accompanied with an increase in smaller adipocytes in iWAT (a) and BAT (b) of HFD-fed JunB BKO mice compared to controls. Depletion of JunB in adipocytes improved glucose (c) and insulin (d) tolerance after 16-week HFD feeding. JunB FKO mice displayed improved hepatic steatosis (e) and triglyceride content in the liver (8 mice for NC and 6 mice for HFD). (f) of JunB FKO mice compared with control mice under HFD feeding conditions. g-h. O2 consumption was significantly increased in JunB FKO mice compared to controls after feeding with HFD for 12 weeks. Extended Data Fig. 4a–d were analyzed by ANOVA analysis. Extended Data Fig. 4f was analyzed with unpaired two-sided T-Test. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05 or **P < 0.01.