Table 2.
Evidence of microbiota alterations in ASD compared to NT siblings.
Study characteristics | Microbiota assessment | Increasing microbial taxa | Decreasing microbial taxa | Metabolites/Immune markers | Functional pathways |
Son et al. (2015) Case–control (CASP Score: 14) Sample size: N = 103 Age range (years): 7-14 Dietary habits: Documented; included in the analysis GI symptoms: ↑pain and constipation in ASD-FGID symptoms in ASD and NT (4 groups) |
16S rRNA sequencing (Stool samples) Alpha diversity No differences Beta diversity No differences |
↑Cyanobacteria/Chloroplast in ASD-GI compared to ASD-No-GI, NT-GI, and NT-No-GI siblings (probably due to chia seeds intake in two ASD-GI with constipation) | No decrease was observed | Not investigated | Not investigated |
Gondalia et al. (2012) Case–control (CASP Score: 13) Sample size: N = 104 Age range (years): 2-12 Dietary habits: Not investigated GI symptoms: ↑GI symptoms in ASD |
GS FLX Titanium sequencing platform (Roche®, USA) (Stool samples) Alpha diversity No differences Beta diversity No differences |
No increase was observed | No decrease was observed | Not investigated | Not investigated |
De Angelis et al. (2013) Case–control (CASP Score: 20) Sample size: N = 30 Age range (years): 4-10 Dietary habits: Not investigated GI symptoms: Not investigated |
16S rRNA sequencing (bTEFAP) and bacterial cultures (Stool samples) Alpha diversity ↑ number of observed species and evenness (Chao1 and Shannon indexes) in ASD and PDD-NOS Beta diversity Microbiota composition is different between ASD, PDD-NOS and NT |
Phylum ↑Bacteroidetes in ASD ↑active Firmicutes in PDD-NOS Genus In ASD: ↑Clostridium Roseburia Caloramator Sarcina Akkermansia Shigella In PDD-NOS: ↑Ruminococcus Collinsella Faecalibacterium In ASD and PDD-NOS: ↑Anaerofilum Dorea Caloramator Bacteroides in ASD (and species B. fragilis, B. vulgatus) Alistipes |
Phylum ↓total and active Firmicutes in ASD ↓Fusobacteria, Verrucomicrobia in ASD and PDD-NOS Genus In ASD: ↓Faecalibacterium (and species F. prausnitzii) Prevotella species Bifidobacterium (and species B. sp. and B. adolescentis) Collinsella In PDD-NOS: ↓Coprococcus Lachnospira in Prevotella (and both species P. sp. And P. copri) In ASD and PDD-NOS: ↓Oscillospira Sporobacter Subdoligranulum Escherichia Fusobacterium |
Microbial-derived metabolites: Free amino acids (FAA): ↑total FAA in ASD compared to NT and PDD-NOS ↑Glu, Ala, Asp., Lys, Val, Ile, Phe, His, Trp, Lys and Pro in ASD and PDD-NOS compared to NT Volatile organic compounds (i.e., aldehydes, esters, sulfur compounds) in stool samples are different in ASD compared to PDD-NOS and NT SCFAs: ↓total medium and SCFAs in PDD-NOS and ASD ↑acetic and propionic acids in ASD and PDD-NOS Positive correlations: Clostridium species and methyl esters (of the butanoic acid, acetic acid and pentanoic acid) and indoles Faecalibacterium, Ruminococcus and Bifidobacterium genera with total SCFAs |
Not investigated |
Pulikkan et al. (2018) Case–control (CASP Score: 17) Sample size: N = 54 Age range (years): 3-16 Dietary habits: Documented; not included in the analysis GI symptoms: ↑GI symptoms in ASD |
16S rRNA sequencing (Stool samples) Alpha diversity No differences Beta diversity No differences between ASD and NT Correlations of the covariates showed autism as a significant component in differentiating the gut microbiome of ASD and NT ↑Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio in ASD |
Family ↑Veillonelleaceae Lactobacillaceae Bifidobacteriaceae Erysipelotrichaceae Enterococcaceae Desulfovibrionaceae Genus ↑Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus (and L. ruminis) Megasphaera Mitsuokella Ruminococcus Coprococcus Butyrivibrio Klebsiella |
Family ↓Prevotellaceae, Genus ↓Prevotella Faecalibacterium Roseburia |
Possible outcomes: ↑Lactobacillus- > potential inhibition of IDO1 which can affect the Th17 cell functioning leading to inflammatory conditions ↓Faecalibacterium and Roseburia - > potential reduction in the production of SCFAs |
Not investigated |
Ahmed et al. (2020) Case–control (CASP Score: 8) Sample size: N = 131 (NT are both siblings and unrelated-2 groups) Age range (years): 2-12 Dietary habits: Documented; not included in the analysis GI symptoms: 80% of ASD with GI symptoms |
16S rRNA sequencing (Stool samples) Alpha diversity No differences Beta diversity No differences ↓Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio in ASD and the NT siblings Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio is different between ASD and NT unrelated Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio is not different between ASD and NT siblings |
Phylum ↑Firmicutes in severe ASD compared to moderate and mild Genus ↑Bacteroides Ruminococcus Species ↑Bifidobacterium sp. in NT siblings compared to ASD and NT unrelated |
Phylum No decrease was observed Genus ↓Prevotella ↓Prevotella to Bacteroides Ratio in ASD and NT siblings compared to NT unrelated Species No decrease was observed |
Not investigated | Not investigated |
Yap et al. (2021) Case–control (CASP Score: 18) Sample size: N = 247 (NT are both siblings and unrelated-2 groups) Age range (years): 2-17 Dietary habits: Documented and included in the microbiota analysis: Dietary diversity ↓dietary alpha diversity in ASD compared to NT siblings and NT unrelated -Positive correlation between microbial taxonomic and dietary diversity in all the groups ↓dietary diversity is associated with ↓microbiome diversity in ASD but not in NT siblings or NT unrelated GI symptoms: ↓stool consistency in ASD |
Metagenomics sequencing (Stool sample) Bacteria Alpha diversity No differences Beta diversity No differences Virome: No differences |
Species No increase was observed |
Species ↓Romboutsia timonensis in ASD compared to NT siblings and NT unrelated |
Not investigated | ↓ microbial genes responsible for the metabolism of amino acids (L-glutamine, L-lysine, L-methionine, and L-threonine), purines and pyrimidines, carbohydrates (galactose), bacterial spore germination and dsDNA digestion in ASD compared to NT siblings and NT unrelated (MGPP against the MGENES) database |
ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder; ASD-GI, Autism Spectrum Disorder with GI symptoms; CASP, Critical Appraisal Skills Program; FGID, functional gastrointestinal disorders (according to ROME III criteria); GABA, Gamma-aminobutyric acid; GI, gastrointestinal; IDO1, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase; MGENES, Microba Genes database; MGPP, Microba Gene and Pathway Profiler; NT, neurotypical controls; NT-GI, neurotypical with GI symptoms; No-GI, no GI symptoms; PDD-NOS, Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified; rRNA, ribosomal ribonucleic acid; SCFAs, short chain fatty acids; Th-17, T helper 17 cells; bTEFAP, Tag-encoded FLX amplicon pyrosequencing. *Ruminococcaceae renamed to Oscillospiraceae in 2019.