Fig. 1.
Accuracy of explicit coding of severe sepsis-1 in inpatient administrative health data. All estimates are adjusted for sampling weights and clustering. Explicit coding of severe sepsis-1 is defined by the presence of ICD-10 codes R65.1 or R57.2 in inpatient administrative health data (IAHD). Whiskers in panels a–e present 95% confidence intervals. p values in panels a–e obtained by Rao–Scott Pearson χ2-test with Satterthwaite approximation. Panel a: sensitivity of coding of severe sepsis-1 per hospital. Panel b: specificity of coding of severe sepsis-1 per hospital. Panel c: positive predictive value (PPV) of coding of severe sepsis-1 per hospital. Panel d: negative predictive value (NPV) of coding of severe sepsis-1 per hospital. Panel e: frequency of naming “sepsis” in the chart among cases with severe sepsis-1 according to chart review. Panel f: scatterplot of frequency of naming of sepsis and sensitivity of coding of severe sepsis-1; OLS is the ordinary least squares approximation line; r is the Pearson correlation