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. 2024 Mar 7;17:1295969. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1295969

Table 1.

Parameter values and definitions of parameters and abbreviations.

Brief description Value
Basic BACON parameters
Nctx Number of representable attributes (kinds of cortical attribute cells) 1 K
Natr Number of attributes per context 100
F Number of attribute cells innervating each DG cell 60
K Number of DG & CA3 winners during representation creation and CA3 winners during recall 60
Ndg Number of DG cells (and of their dedicated CA3 followers) 100 K
Bnew BRep below which a new representation gets made -5
Badd BRep at which newly observed attributes get associated with a representation 15
Bcnd BRep at which conditioning becomes possible (i.e., conditionability is >0) 2
BmxCnd BRep at which conditionability becomes maximal 12
BmxF BRep at which fear expression is maximal 4
α Increment in synaptic weight on amygdala cell due to US if conditionability is maximal 1/60
Parameters especially relevant to systems consolidation
Nptc Number of attributes of a context that are particulars 80
Ncat Number of attributes of a context that are categoricals 20
Natr = (Nptc + Ncat) Total number of attributes per context 100
πptc = (Nptc/Natr) Proportion of attributes of a context that are particulars 0.8
Bcat BRep at which known categorical attributes become associated with a contextual representation 5
OcatHet Proportion of cat attribute overlap of unrelated contexts in different categories 0.2
OptcHet Proportion of ptc attribute overlap of unrelated contexts in different categories 0.2
OptcHom Proportion of ptc attribute overlap in unrelated contexts in the same category 0.2
PoCat Average proportion of attributes known at the time that an established context’s representation became cortical. 0.85
ZoRec Average number of attributes of established reps known prior to systems consolidation 85
κ Ceiling on proportion of the Nptc Unc’s (“unclassified” attributes—i.e., not known to be categoricals) that can get associated with a cortical representation 0.3
κo Ceiling on proportion of Uncs that can get associated with a cortical representation if the context’s category cannot be determined. 0.8
ϵ parameter controlling increase of kappa when a great deal is known about a context 20
γ Factor determining weight of particulars in determining context similarity 0.6
δ Amount by which BRep of winner must exceed that of runner-up if new rep is made when winner BRep falls below Bnew 5
Additional abbreviations (alphabetical)
BRep Bayesian weight of evidence for a representation
Cnd Conditionability of a context (which is a function of BRep)
Cur A Current attribute
Fef Fear expression factor
OptcAB Proportion of overlap of particular attributes of contexts A and B or any other two contexts
OcatAB Proportion of overlap of categorical attributes of contexts A and B or any other two contexts
OatrAB Proportion of overlap of all attributes of contexts A and B or any other two contexts
Rec A Recalled attribute
Rep A, B, etc. Representation A, B, etc.
Unc An Uncategorized context–one whose category is not known
Zcom Number of attributes in common between a set of Current and Recalled attributes
Zcur Number of (Current) attributes so far observed in a session
Zrec Number of attributes of a context that are recalled.
Zo Number of current attributes observed at the time that a representation is created.
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