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. 2024 Mar 16;71:102549. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102549

Table 1.

Frequency of adults (ages ≥ 20 years at AML diagnosis) with diagnostically confirmed first primary AML diagnosed 2001–2018 (followed through 2019) overall and for those reported to have received initial chemotherapy for AML, according to age, race and ethnicity, sex, calendar year period of diagnosis, and AML subgroups, SEER-17.a

Characteristic All adults with AML (N = 40,155)
% adults treated with initial chemotherapy (70.9%)
Adults treated with initial chemotherapy (N = 28,473)
All adults treated with initial chemotherapy
Age (years)
AML subgroup
Antecedent C/T
All other AML
No. % N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
Age at diagnosis, years
 20–39 4978 92.2 4592 (16.1) 1086 (34.8) 347 (32.0) 111 (5.6) 3048 (13.7)
 40–59 10,407 88.9 9253 (32.5) 1298 (41.6) 407 (37.5) 496 (25.0) 7052 (31.7)
 60–74 12,781 76.7 9798 (34.4) 602 (19.3) 253 (23.3) 888 (44.8) 8055 (36.2)
 75–84 8428 47.2 3978 (14.0) 131 (4.2) 66 (6.1) 407 (20.5) 3374 (15.2)
 ≥85 3561 23.9 852 (3.0) 24 (0.8) 12 (1.1) 81 (4.1) 735 (3.3)
Race and ethnicity
 White 27,649 68.9 19,038 (66.9) 2243 (48.8) 5825 (63.0) 7245 (73.9) 3038 (76.4) 687 (80.6) 1740 (55.4) 660 (60.8) 1458 (73.5) 15,180 (68.2)
 Black 3283 73.6 2417 (8.5) 533 (11.6) 941 (10.2) 692 (7.1) 211 (5.3) 40 (4.7) 343 (10.9) 92 (8.5) 124 (6.3) 1858 (8.3)
 Asian 3234 75.0 2425 (8.5) 460 (10.0) 818 (8.8) 742 (7.6) 337 (8.5) 68 (8.0) 247 (7.9) 99 (9.1) 176 (8.9) 1903 (8.5)
 Pacific Islander 265 74.0 196 (0.7) 44 (1.0) 84 (0.9) 53 (0.5) 15 (0.4) 0 (0) 28 (0.9) 13 (1.2) 13 (0.7) 142 (0.6)
 Other/unspecifiedb 298 67.1 200 (0.7) 43 (0.9) 72 (0.8) 62 (0.6) 17 (0.4) <10 (−) 31 (1.0) 23 (2.1) 10 (0.5) 136 (0.6)
 Hispanic 5426 77.3 4197 (14.7) 1269 (27.6) 1513 (16.4) 1004 (10.2) 360 (9.0) 51 (6.0) 752 (23.9) 198 (18.2) 202 (10.2) 3045 (13.7)
 Males 21,853 72.1 15,751 (55.3) 2301 (50.1) 5034 (54.4) 5708 (58.3) 2301 (57.8) 407 (47.8) 1611 (51.3) 624 (57.5) 1239 (62.5) 12,277 (55.1)
 Females 18,302 69.5 12,722 (44.7) 2291 (49.9) 4219 (45.6) 4090 (41.7) 1677 (42.2) 445 (52.2) 1530 (48.7) 461 (42.5) 744 (37.5) 9987 (44.9)
Calendar year of diagnosis
 2001–2006 12,826 64.4 8259 (29.0) 1362 (29.7) 2940 (31.8) 2674 (27.3) 1095 (27.5) 188 (22.1) 777 (24.7) 262 (24.1) 522 (26.3) 6698 (30.1)
 2007–2012 13,305 71.3 9480 (33.3) 1592 (34.7) 3135 (33.9) 3175 (32.4) 1317 (33.1) 261 (30.6) 1158 (36.9) 373 (34.4) 677 (34.1) 7272 (32.7)
 2013–2018 14,024 76.5 10,734 (37.7) 1638 (35.7) 3178 (34.3) 3949 (40.3) 1566 (39.4) 403 (47.3) 1206 (38.4) 450 (41.5) 784 (39.5) 8294 (37.3)
AML subgroup
 APL 3713 84.6 3141 (11.0) 1086 (23.6) 1298 (14.0) 602 (6.1) 131 (3.3) 24 (2.8)
 CBF AML 1238 87.6 1085 (3.8) 347 (7.6) 407 (4.4) 253 (2.6) 66 (1.7) 12 (1.4)
 AML with antecedent C/T 3009 65.9 1983 (7.0) 111 (2.4) 496 (5.4) 888 (9.1) 407 (10.2) 81 (9.5)
 All other AML 32,195 69.2 22,264 (78.2) 3048 (66.4) 7052 (76.2) 8055 (82.2) 3374 (84.8) 735 (86.3)

AML, acute myeloid leukemia; APL, acute promyelocytic leukemia; CBF, core binding factor; C/T, condition/therapy; SEER-17, 17 cancer registry areas of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program; –, not applicable; <10, data with fewer than 10 cases are suppressed to protect patient confidentiality.


The SEER-17 registry areas are estimated to cover 26.5% of the U.S. population and those included in this study were the states of Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Mexico, New Jersey, Utah, and registries in areas of California (San-Francisco Oakland, San Jose–Monterey, Greater California, Los Angeles), Georgia (Atlanta, Greater Georgia, Rural Georgia) and Washington state (Seattle-Puget Sound). Refer to 'Methods' section for definition of initial chemotherapy.


Includes American Indian/Alaskan Native, other specified race, and unknown race.