Table 2.
SGLT2 inhibitor trials looking at the efficacy of SGLT2 inhibitors on metabolic outcome in patients without diabetes.
Author, year, country | N, Median age, Female (%), DM (%) | Type of study | Selection criteria | Treatment group | Comparison group | Median follow-up | Primary outcome | Secondary outcome | Effect size | Study conclusion |
Bays et al., 2013, US [56] | 376, 44.8, 88 %, DM (0 %) | Intent to treatRandomized double blind placebo- controlled trial | Adult aged 18–65 years with BMI between 30 and < 50 kg/m2 or with wither lower BMI in presence of hypertension | Canagliflozin (50 mg,100mgor300mgoncedaily) | Placebo | 12 weeks | % change in body weight from baseline to week 12 | Absolute change in body weight% change in body weightChange in BMI | Canagliflozin increase urinary glucose excretion in a dose dependent manner and results in statistically reduction in body weight compared to placebo.Least square mean percent changes from baseline of −2.2 %, −2.9 %, 2.7 % and 1.3 % at doses of 50, 100, 300 mg and placebo (p < 0.05) | In overweight and obese subjects without diabetes, Canagliflozin significantly reduce body weight compared to placebo |
Hollander et al., 2017, ermany [57] | 334, 45.7, 81.7 %, DM (0 %) | Randomized control double-blind parallel group placebo-controlled multicenter parallel-group trial | Overweight and obese adults aged 18–65 years without type 2 diabetes who had BMI 30 and < 50 kg/m2 or had BMI 27 and < 50 with comorbidities like HTN and/or dyslipidemia without diabetes | Canagliflozin (300 mg/day) Or Phentermine OrCanagliflozin + Phentermine | Placebo | 26 weeks | % change in body weight from baseline to week 26 | Proportion of individual achieving weight loss 5 % and change from baseline in SBP | Statistically superior weight loss from baseline for Canagliflozin/Phentermine compared to placebo at 26 weeks (mean difference −6.9 % with p < 0.001Statistically significant achievement of weight loss 5 % and reduction of SBP for Canagliflozin/Phentermine | Canagliflozin/Phentermine produced meaningful reduction in bodyweight and well tolerated in overweight/obese individuals with type II diabetes |
Lundkvist et al., 2016, Sweden [58] | 50, 52, 61 %, DM (0 %) | Double blinded randomized controlled trial | Obese man and woman aged 15–70 years without diabetes, hypertension, and BMI of 30–45 kg/m2 | Dapagliflozin (10 mg/day) + subcutaneous long acting exenatide 2 mg once daily | Placebo | 24 weeks | Change in body weight from baseline to 24 weeks | Percent change in body weight from baseline. Efficacy on SBP, waist hip ratio, glycemic measures | The difference of body weight change was −4.13 kg (p < 0.001) attributable to adipose tissue reduction 36 % vs 4.2 % of participants achieved 5 % body weight loss | Dual treatment with Dapagliflozin/exenatide dual therapy reduced body weight, frequency of prediabetes and SBP over 24 weeksWell tolerated with minimal side effects |
Gonzalez-Ortiz et al., 2017, exico [59] | 26, 45, 84.6 %, DM (0 %) | Randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial | Overweight subjects with BMI of 25–29.9 kg/m2 without hypertension | Dapagliflozin (10 mg/day) | Placebo | 12 weeks | Change in body weight at 12 weeks | Renal composite outcomeDeath from any causeHospitalization for HF | Significant improvement of weight, BMI, fat mass, SBP, visceral adiposity.No significant effect on DBP, glucose changes | Dapagliflozin has significant effect on reduction in body weight, visceral adiposity, BMI and SBP in overweight subjects |
Neeland et al., 2020, US [60] | 35, 53, 62.9 %, DM (0 %) | Randomized double blind placebo-controlled trial | Age 18 years, obese, BMI 30, nondiabetic, able to undergo neck to knee MRI scan for body fat assessment | Empagliflozin (10 mg/day) | Placebo | 3 months | Change in body weightDecrease in HbA1cGlycerol derived gluconeogenesis | Fasting blood glucose, serum insulin level, TG, plasma free glycerol, adiponectin, alanine aminotransferase, norepinephrine | 6.5 % increase (p = 0.005) increase in area under curve for glycerol-derived 13C enrichment in treatment group | Empagliflozin reduced endogenous glycerol-gluconeogenesis in obese adults without diabetes. SGLT2 inhibitors may prevent type 2 diabetes in obesity |
Ramirez-Rodriguez et al., 2020, Mexico [50] | 24, 46.7, 70.83 %, DM (0 %) | Randomized double blinded placebo-controlled clinical trial | Subjects with prediabetes | Dapagliflozin (10 mg/day) | Placebo | 3 months | Change in body weight, BMI, waist circumference, fasting glucose | Change in uric acid level | Significant decrease in body weight (p = 0.01), BMI (p = 0.023), waist circumference (p = 0.003), fasting blood sugar (p < 0.001) and uric acid (p = 0.03) | Dapagliflozin in patients with prediabetes significantly decreased body weight, BMI, waist circumference, fasting blood sugar, uric acid and increase insulin sensitivity |
Ryan et al., 020, US [51] | 50, 35, 76 %, DM (0 %) | Randomized double blinded placebo-controlled clinical trial | Adults of age 18–65 years with BMI > 27.5 kg/m2 sedentary, with no known metabolic disease | Dapagliflozin (5 mg/day) for first 14 days and then increased to Dapagliflozin (10 mg/day) for rest of the study period | Placebo | 12 weeks | Fat free massRise in HDL cholesterol | Dietary preference, hunger, appetite | Dapagliflozin combined with dietary counselling resulted in significant reduction in fat free mass (p = 0.04) and attenuated the rise in HDL cholesterol (p = 0.028) | Careful consideration of decrease in fat free mass is indicatedLonger duration of SGLT2 inhibitors evoked measurable effects on dietary preference, hunger and appetite |
Elkind- Hirsch et al., 2021, US [52] | 92, 28, 100 %, DM (0 %) | Randomized single blind trial | Subjects with BMI of 30–45 kg/m2 and PCOS | Exenatide (EQW) (2mgweekly)Dapagliflozin (DAPA (10 mg/day)Exenatide plus DapagliflozinDapagliflozin plus metforminPhentermine topiramate (PHEN/TPM) | – | 24 weeks | OGTTFasting insulinWeightBlood pressureWaist circumferenceBody composition | Not reported | Significant difference among the five different treatment groups for mean blood glucose (p < 0.02), BMI (p < 0.005), waist circumference (p < 0.035), fasting blood glucose (p < 0.0001) and OGTT (p < 0.0001)Dual treatment with EQW/DAPA was superior to either DAPA alone, DAPA/metformin and PHEN/TPM | Dual treatment with EQW/DAPA was superior to either DAPA alone, DAPA/metformin and PHEN/TPM in terms of clinical and metabolic benefits |
Faerch et al., 2020, Denmark [53] | 112, 57.2, 55.83 %, DM (0 %) |
PRE-D trial—Randomized controlled parallel multicenter open-label non blinded study | Overweight subjects with BMI 25 kg/m2 and prediabetes | Dapagliflozin (10 mg/day)Metformin (1700mgdaily)Interval-based exercise | Placebo | 26 weeks | Change in the mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE), measure of glycemic variability between baseline and 13 weeks | Change from baseline to mid-point of treatment, end of treatment and follow up for MAGE, fasting plasma glucose, fasting serum insulin, body weight, waist hip ratio, blood lipids, OGTT | Compared to control group, there was a small difference in MAGE in Dapagliflozin group (p = 0.04) and a small non-significant reduction in exercise group (p = 0.067) and unchanged in Metformin. | Treatment with Dapagliflozin and interval-based exercise lead to similar but small improvements in glycemic variability compared to control and metformin therapy |
Kullmann et al., 2022, Germany [54] | 40, 62.5, 60 %, DM (0 %) | Double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial | Adult aged 30–75 years with BMI 25 and < 40 kg/m2 and impaired fasting glucose | Empagliflozin (25 mg/day) | Placebo | 8 weeks | Insulin responsiveness of brain | Fasting plasma glucose, total adipose tissue content, liver fat content | Empagliflozin increased hypothalamic insulin responsivity and decrease in fasting blood glucose and liver fat | Empagliflozin may reverse brain insulin resistance with potential benefits for adiposity |
Veelen et al., 2022, Netherlands [55] | 14, 42.85, 66.3 %, DM (0 %) | Randomized double blind placebo-controlled crossover trial | Adult 40–75 years with BMI 27 to 38 with prediabetes and sedentary lifestyle | Dapagliflozin (10 mg/day) | Placebo | 2 weeks | Body weight, HbA1c, SBP, DBP, 24-hour urinary glucose excretion, 24-hour energy expenditure, energy metabolism during daytime and night-time | Hepatic and skeletal muscle glycogen, mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, hepatic lipid content | Compared to placebo, Dapagliflozin had higher 24-hour urinary glucose excretion (p < 0.0001), daytime respiratory exchange ratio (p = 0.046), nighttime respiratory exchange ratio (p = 0.019), higher maximal mitochondrial oxidative capacity (p = 0.007) and lowers SBP (p = 0.025), DBP (p = 0.023).No difference for skeletal muscle glycogen, fasting plasma glucose, free fatty acid, and food preference | Dapagliflozin treatment of prediabetic insulin resistant individuals for 14 days resulted in significant metabolic adaptations, skeletal muscle metabolism, improved fat oxidation and mitochondrial oxidative capacity. |
BMI – body mass index; SBP – systolic blood pressure; DBP – diastolic blood pressure.