Fig. 4. The interaction between GAS41 and NRF2 is required for NRF2 transcriptional ability.
a Western blot analysis of interaction between NRF2 and GAS41 mutants (W93A and L211A) in HEK293T cells. b Western blot of SLC7A11, GCLC, and NQO1 protein levels of A549 sgNC re-expressed with vector, sgGAS41 cells re-expressed with vector, GAS41 WT, GAS41 W93A mutant or GAS41 L211A mutant. c RT-qPCR analysis of SLC7A11 and GCLC mRNA levels of A549 sgNC re-expressed with vector, sgGAS41 cells re-expressed with vector, GAS41 WT, GAS41 W93A mutant or GAS41 L211A mutant. d Measurement of GSH concentration of A549 sgNC re-expressed with vector, sgGAS41 cells re-expressed with vector, GAS41 WT, GAS41 W93A mutant or GAS41 L211A mutant. e Cell viability of A549 sgNC re-expressed with vector, sgGAS41 cells re-expressed with vector, GAS41 WT, GAS41 W93A mutant, or GAS41 L211A mutants treated with TBH (120 μM, left panel) for 4 h or IKE (3 μM, right panel) for 24 h. f, g Assessment of lipid peroxidation (f) and statistical bar graph (g) by flow cytometry after C11-BODIPY staining of A549 sgNC re-expressed with vector, sgGAS41 cells re-expressed with vector, GAS41 WT, GAS41 W93A mutant, or GAS41 L211A mutant. Data are mean ± SD of n = 3 independent biological repeats. p values were calculated using unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t test. Western blot experiments above (a, b) were repeated three times with similar results, and representative images are shown. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.