Effects of RhoA inhibition on the histology of intestinal epithelium and barrier function
(A and B) The number of Olfm4+ stem cells was determined by immunohistochemistry. Representative results are shown in (A). Scale bars: 50 μm (left) and 5 μm (right). The number of Olfm4+ cells located at the base of the crypt (cell positions 0–4) in RhoAT19N (Vil-Cre+;RhoAT19N) and control (Vil-Cre−;RhoAT19N) mice was quantified in (B).
(C) The total number of cells (hematoxylin staining) as well as goblet (1% Alcian blue staining), enteroendocrine (Grimelius staining), and Paneth (anti-lysozyme immunostaining) cells were quantified in the villus and crypt compartments of the small intestine of RhoAT19N and control mice. N = number of animals per group. The mean ± SEM is shown. n/s: not significant (Student’s t test p > 0.05).