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. 2024 Feb 20;41(4):1765–1769. doi: 10.1007/s12325-023-02739-z

Table 1.

Individual data for the 11 patients

Parameter Patient
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Sex Female Male Male Male Female Male Female Male Male Female Male
Age, years 13 12 16 7 11 16 4 14 15 11 9
Genetic variant

LDLR c.313+5


LDLR c.682G>T LDLR c.119_1207del LDLR c.666C>A, c.1646C>A c.-187-? 940+? Dup LDLR c.131G>A, c.2043C>A LDLR c.2043C>A LDLR c.1846-? 2311+?del, c.1895A>T

LDLR c.313+1

G>A, del exon 1–6

LDLR c.1731G>T LDLR c.1731G>T
LDL-C at diagnosis, mg/dL 799 672 981 1008 1009 901 739 474 982 1002 824
LLT prior to lomitapide Statins, ezetimibe, LA Statins, ezetimibe, LA Statins, ezetimibe, LA, EV Statins, ezetimibe, bile acid sequestrant Statins, ezetimibe Statins, ezetimibe, LA, EV Statins, ezetimibe Statins, ezetimibe Statins, ezetimibe, LA, EV Statins, ezetimibe, bile acid sequestrant Statins, ezetimibe, bile acid sequestrant
Duration of therapy prior to lomitapide, years 11 2 14 3 8 6  < 1 6 11 8 8
LDL-C prior to lomitapide, mg/dL 299 326 187 833 443 274 649 223 81 630 705
LDL-C at nadir, mg/dL 56 98 73 360 231 23 236 75 62 441 460
Concomitant LLT

Atv 40mg

Ez 10mg


Ro 20mg

Ez 10mg


Ro 20mg

Ez 10mg

Ev 420mg QW

Co 3250mg


Ro 20mg

Ez 10mg

Co 625mg

Atv 10mg

Ez 10mg

Ro 20mg

Ez 10mg


Atv 10mg

Ez 5mg

Ro 30mg

Ez 10mg

Atv 40mg

Ez 10mg

LA 2xW

Atv 40mg

Ez 10mg

Cholestyramine 4g

Atv 40mg

Ez 10mg

Cholestyramine 4g

Maximal reduction with lomitapide, % 81 70 61 57 48 92 64 66 24 27 34
Maximum dose of lomitapide, mg/day 20 40 60 30 20** 30 15 15*** 15 20 20
Length of lomitapide exposure, months 17 15 20 15 48 15 12 22 18 19 19
Change in concomitant LLT

Ev stopped§

LA stopped

Ev stopped§

LA reduced to Q4W

Ev stopped§

Ro stopped

LA reduced to Q2W


Atv 40mg

Atv 60mg

Ev stopped§

Ro 30mg

Ro 40mg****

LA stopped


Ez stopped§

LA stopped

LA reduced 75%

Ev stopped§

None None
Liver status Liver enzymes normal Liver enzymes normal Elevated liver enzymes resolved after Ro stopped Liver enzymes normal Liver enzymes normal Minimal ALT increase resolved without intervention Liver enzymes normal ALT increases managed with lomitapide dose reduction Liver enzymes and liver imaging normal Liver enzymes normal Liver enzymes normal
Adverse events Nausea, vomiting, Diarrhoea, frequent bowel move-ments Diarrhoea, vomiting Flatulence, hypertransaminasaemia None Diarrhoea Gastrointestinal pain, Hypertransaminasaemia Diarrhoea Hypertransaminasaemia None None None

AE adverse events, ALT alanine aminotransferase, At atorvastatin, Co colesevalem, Ev evolocumab (all Ev stopped prior to lomitapide), Ez ezetimibe, GI gastrointestinal, LA lipoprotein apheresis, LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LLT lipid-lowering therapies

All oral drug doses are daily


**patient briefly received 30mg/day before back-titration to 20mg/day

***patient briefly received 20mg/day before back-titration to 15mg/day

****subsequent, post-hoc reduction to Ro 35mg

atorvastatin dose changes – Atv dose increased to 60mg near end of observation period

§Patient had also received evolocumab (no response), which had been stopped before commencement on lomitapide

MedDRA preferred term