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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Ind Med. 2024 Jan 25;67(3):224–242. doi: 10.1002/ajim.23565


Demographic, economic, and employment characteristics among hired crop workers in the United States: National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS), period I (2002–2004), period II (2008–2010), and period III (2014–2015).

Data collection years
Period I: 2002–2004
9,992 Interviews
Period II: 2008–2010
5,873 Interviews
Period III: 2014–2015
5,657 Interviews
Characteristics Weighted
95% CIb Weighted
95% CI Weighted
95% CI
Demographic characteristics
Sex * Age (years)
 Female 23.5 20.7 26.3 24.3 21.2 27.4 30.2 25.3 35.2
   <25 6.0 4.9 7.2 5.0 3.8 6.2 4.9 3.4 6.5
   25–34 7.0 5.8 8.2 5.9 4.8 7.0 8.2 5.9 10.4
   35–44 5.6 4.5 6.7 6.2 4.5 7.9 8.4 6.8 10.0
   45+ 4.9 4.0 5.7 7.2 5.3 9.0 8.7 6.0 11.5
 Male 76.5 73.4 79.3 75.7 72.6 78.8 69.8 64.8 74.7
   <25 23.4 21.5 25.4 18.0 15.3 20.7 14.4 11.8 17.0
   25–34 20.3 18.6 22.0 18.8 16.4 21.3 17.8 15.9 19.8
   35–44 17.4 15.9 18.9 16.8 15.1 18.6 14.7 12.6 16.7
   45+ 15.3 13.9 16.7 22.1 19.4 24.8 22.8 19.8 25.8
Detailed age group (years)
 14–17 3.5 2.7 4.3 2.3 1.2 3.3 2.3 1.3 3.3
 18–24 26.0 23.9 28.0 20.7 17.7 23.8 17.1 14.3 19.8
 25–34 27.3 25.4 29.2 24.7 22.0 27.4 26.0 23.6 28.3
 35–44 23.0 21.5 24.5 23.0 20.3 25.7 23.1 21.0 25.2
 45–54 12.7 11.6 13.9 18.7 16.3 21.1 18.0 15.7 20.3
 55+ 7.5 6.5 8.4 10.6 8.9 12.3 13.5 11.4 15.7
 Yes 75.6 72.5 78.6 74.5 69.9 79.0 73.7 69.7 77.7
  Mexico 72.0 68.7 75.3 69.1 64.4 73.8 68.4 64.5 72.4
 No 24.4 21.4 27.4 25.5 21.0 30.1 26.3 22.3 30.3
 Yes 82.5 79.7 85.2 79.3 75.4 83.3 81.8 77.9 85.6
 No 17.5 14.8 20.3 20.7 16.7 24.6 18.2 14.4 22.1
English-speaking ability
 Not at all 40.1 37.3 43.0 32.7 28.6 36.8 28.5 24.6 32.4
 A little, Somewhat 33.9 31.9 36.0 38.3 35.0 41.6 39.8 36.8 42.8
 Well 25.9 23.1 28.7 29.0 24.2 33.7 31.7 27.5 36.0
Documentation status
 Undocumented 49.1 45.9 52.4 50.0 44.8 55.3 48.4 44.4 52.5
 Documented 23.9 21.4 26.4 20.2 17.4 23.0 21.0 17.9 24.1
 Citizen 27.0 24.0 30.0 29.8 25.3 34.3 30.6 26.2 34.9
Marital status * Spouse farmworker
 Not married 41.5 39.5 43.5 39.3 35.7 43.0 42.1 38.5 45.7
 Married 58.5 56.5 60.5 60.7 57.0 64.3 57.9 54.3 61.5
  Spouse is a farm worker 17.0 14.8 19.2 19.0 14.0 24.1 18.7 15.8 21.6
  Spouse is NOT a farm worker 41.5 39.2 43.8 41.6 37.6 45.6 39.2 35.8 42.6
Youth <18 years old living in household
 Yes 34.7 32.2 37.2 40.1 36.0 44.3 44.3 40.9 47.6
 No 65.3 62.8 67.8 59.9 55.7 64.0 55.7 52.4 59.1
Health condition
 No 82.7 80.9 84.5 81.1 78.7 83.5 77.0 73.9 80.2
 Yes 17.3 15.5 19.1 18.9 16.5 21.3 23.0 19.8 26.1
Economic characteristics
Family income below poverty level
 Yes 22.0 20.0 24.1 20.1 17.5 22.7 31.8 27.6 35.9
 No 55.1 52.2 58.1 66.1 62.7 69.4 67.6 63.5 71.7
 Unknown/missing 22.8 20.6 25.1 13.9 11.5 16.3 0.6 0.2 1.1
Receive any type of public aid
 Yes 25.5 23.2 27.8 36.1 31.8 40.4 51.9 48.1 55.7
 No 74.5 72.2 76.8 63.9 59.6 68.2 48.1 44.3 51.9
Own dwelling in U.S.
 Yes 21.8 19.7 23.9 26.5 22.5 30.5 21.2 18.3 24.0
 No 78.2 76.1 80.3 73.5 69.5 77.5 78.8 76.0 81.7
Employment characteristics
Years of farm work in U.S.
 < 24 months 24.0 21.7 26.2 15.9 12.7 19.2 13.6 11.2 16.1
 2-5 years 19.5 18.0 21.1 15.8 13.8 17.9 15.1 12.5 17.8
 6-10 years 15.3 13.9 16.7 20.1 17.3 23.0 18.7 15.9 21.5
 11-20 years 21.6 20.1 23.1 21.0 18.5 23.5 24.9 22.5 27.3
 21+ years 19.5 17.7 21.4 27.3 24.0 30.3 27.6 24.5 30.8
Migrant type
 Migrant 35.8 32.3 39.4 26.4 21.9 30.9 19.1 15.5 22.7
 Nonmigrant/settled 64.2 60.6 67.7 73.6 69.1 78.1 80.9 77.3 84.5
Type of hire
 Contract laborer 18.7 15.2 22.1 13.4 9.2 17.6 17.8 12.6 23.0
 Grower direct hire/other 81.3 77.9 84.8 86.6 82.4 90.8 82.2 77.0 87.4
Wage type
 Piece rate 13.5 10.8 16.1 10.9 7.1 14.8 10.1 5.9 14.2
 Hourly/salary/combination/other 86.5 83.9 89.2 89.1 85.2 92.9 89.9 85.8 94.1
Pesticides- loaded, mixed, or applied
 No 88.6 87.0 90.0 84.0 81.4 86.5 82.6 79.5 85.6
 Yes 11.4 9.9 13.0 16.0 13.5 18.6 17.4 14.2 20.5
Employer pays for all equipment
 Yes 88.3 85.7 90.9 88.8 82.8 94.8 91.4 88.7 94.2
 No 11.7 9.1 14.3 11.2 5.2 17.2 8.6 5.8 11.3
Worker's compensation coverage
 Yes 52.1 48.5 55.7 65.8 60.9 70.7 55.6 50.8 60.3
 No 17.8 15.3 20.3 15.3 11.8 18.9 19.2 15.0 23.4
 Don't know/missing 30.1 27.4 32.8 18.9 15.2 22.6 25.2 21.4 29.1
Employer provides health insurance
 Yes 71.0 67.9 74.2 74.8 71.1 78.6 72.7 68.6 76.8
 No 10.0 7.8 12.2 10.0 7.4 12.6 11.9 8.3 15.4
 Don't know/missing 19.0 16.7 21.1 15.2 11.5 18.7 15.5 12.9 18.0
Employer provides clean drinking water and disposable cups every day
 Yes 81.1 77.8 84.4 92.2 90.1 94.2 86.3 83.1 89.4
 No 18.9 15.6 22.2 7.8 5.8 9.9 13.7 10.6 16.9
Employer provides a toilet
 Yes 95.4 94.0 96.7 97.8 97.0 98.6 97.2 96.1 98.3
 No 4.6 3.3 6.0 2.2 1.4 3.0 2.8 1.7 3.9
Employer provides handwash water
 Yes 94.7 93.3 96.1 98.1 97.3 99.0 97.2 96.2 98.2
 No 5.3 3.9 6.7 1.9 1.0 2.7 2.8 1.8 3.8

Weighted percent; National level multi-year weight to account for increases in sampling variance caused by pooling data across multiple years.


CI: confidence interval.