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. 2024 Mar 11;18:1286130. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2024.1286130

Table 1.

Brain stimulation study results.

Author N dyads Type of stimulation Stimulation conditions Stimulation target Task Outcome
Neural Behavioral
Chen et al. (2022) 27 (experiment 2) Dual-tACS 40 Hz in-phase, sham (between-subjects) Left STG tACS during rest and semiotic game NA No significant differences in number of people in success / failure group;
Accuracy higher for tACS vs. sham in success but not failure group
Liu et al. (2023) 70 (experiment 3) Dual-tACS 40 Hz in-phase, 40 Hz anti-phase, sham (between-subjects) Right STG tACS prior to coordinating symbolic communication task Higher INS in right STG during baseline and task for in-phase compared to anti-phase and sham stimulation Communicative accuracy higher for in-phase compared to sham and anti-phase stimulation
Long et al. (2023) 30 Single tDCS True, sham and control stimulation (within-subjects) True / sham: Right ATL; Control: Occipital lobe tDCS applied to one member of the dyad (women) prior to naturalistic communication task Decreased INS for true compared to the sham and control stimulation No significant differences in verbal or nonverbal behaviors;
Reduced emotional empathy for true compared to sham and control stimulation
Lu et al. (2023) 62 Dual-tACS, dual-tDCS 20 Hz in-phase tACS, tDCS, sham (between subjects) Right IFG Six coordination blocks with stimulation in blocks 3 and 4 Higher INS in PFC for tACS compared to tDCS and sham in block 5;
Higher INS in right IFG during rest period after stimulation for tACS compared to tDCS;
Reduced activation in right IFG for tDCS during stimulation compared to poststimulation
Numbers of wins in blocks 3–6 higher than at baseline (block 1) in tACS and tDCS but not sham group, positive effect on number of wins in block 6 only for tACS not tDCS;
Higher difference in reaction times (weaker coordination) in block 6 for tDCS compared to sham
Novembre et al. (2017) 30 Dual-tACS frequency (within-subjects: 2 Hz, 10 Hz, 20 Hz) × relative phase (within-subjects: in-phase, anti-phase), sham stimulation Left primary motor cortex tACS during joint finger tapping task NA Increased synchrony for 20 Hz in-phase stimulation compared to anti-phase stimulation
Pan et al. (2021) 24 Dual-tACS frequency (between-subjects: 6 Hz, 10 Hz) x relative phase (within-subjects: in-phase, antiphase, sham) Left IFC tACS during song learning task NA Increased synchrony for 6 Hz in-phase stimulation compared to 6 Hz sham stimulation;
Improved intonation learning performance for 6 Hz in-phase compared to 6 Hz sham stimulation
Szymanski et al. (2017) 38 Dual-tACS same-phase-same-frequency (6 Hz), different-phase-different-frequency (5 Hz and 7 Hz with 1 degree offset), 6 Hz sham (within-subjects) Right frontal and parietal sites tACS during joint drumming task NA Decreased synchrony for same-phase-same-frequency and the different-phase-different-frequency compared to sham

tACS, transcranial alternating current stimulation; tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; IFC, inferior frontal cortex; ATL, anterior temporal lobe; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; PFC, prefrontal cortex; STG, superior temporal gyrus; N/A, not applicable.