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. 2024 Mar 19;74(741):e233–e241. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2023.0171

Box 1.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Criteria Include Exclude
Population PLwD or MCI, primary/community-based clinicians, and carers (family, friends, unpaid, informal, or paid carers) Trauma cases
Phenomenon of interest Assessment and management of sleep End-of-life care (life expectancy <3 months)
Context and setting Primary care centres, community in the widest sense of the word (that is, live at home, sheltered accommodation, care homes including residential and nursing homes, or supported/assisted living setting) Hospital-based/secondary/tertiary care or interventions, hospice care, non-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development nations
Evaluation Experience of sleep disturbance, diagnosis, assessment, management, approaches, or interventions (what, how, why, by whom, for whom, what extent), experience with drug prescriptions, or medication usage Quantitative findings from randomised controlled trials of effectiveness studies
Study design/type of document Original research (published articles, conference abstracts, books, and unpublished and grey literature), reviews, viewpoints, policy documents, websites of professional bodies, and any relevant clinical or non-clinical guideline
Other Non-English language

MCI = mild cognitive impairment. PLwD = people living with dementia.