Table 1.
Overview of Major Costs and Associated Data Sources
Type of Cost | Data Source |
Direct medical costs | |
Type of visit (inpatient vs outpatient) | Clinical treatment records |
Time spent in care | Clinical treatment records |
Health service delivery cost per outpatient visit | WHO-CHOICE |
Health service delivery cost per day of inpatient visit | WHO-CHOICE |
Drugs administered or prescribed at visit for treatment of diarrhea | Clinical treatment records |
Diagnostics performed at visit to determine cause of diarrhea | Clinical treatment records |
Cost per drug and diagnostic | National price lists, primary data collection from facilities |
Estimate of caregiver fees associated with visit | Clinical treatment records, discharge survey, 4-wk follow-up survey |
Direct nonmedical costs | |
Cost of transportation to access health facility (eg, bus) | Enrollment survey |
Costs associated with accommodation at facility for family (food, lodging, etc) | Discharge and 4-wk follow-up surveys |
Indirect costs | |
Estimate of caregiver lost time associated with caring for child during diarrhea episode | Discharge survey |
Estimate of average wage rate in country | International Labor Organization |
Pre- and post-visit care-seeking costs | |
Costs of care seeking before and after a facility visit, by expense (medication, diagnostic tests, etc) and visit type (eg, visit to pharmacy shop, private clinic, or traditional healer) | Enrollment, discharge, and 4-wk follow-up surveys |