A) Diagrams of MCR-GFP and ERACR elements. Fly heads on the left indicate the phenotype of each strain. Schematic not drawn to scale. B) Cross schemes to generate F1 “master females” with ERACRs in-trans to the MCR-GFP element and their F2 progeny. Crossing schemes for y− ERACR-min (left) and for y+ ERACR-1 and y+ ERACR-2 (right). Fly heads depict eye color (wild-type = w+ (red), w− (white), or wa (orange), eye fluorescence (radial emanating lines of eGFP (green), DsRed (red), both eGFP and DsRed (alternating green and red), or neither fluorescence (white), and body color: y+ (brown) or y− (yellow). Expected F2 phenotypes bolded and outlined with black boxes.