Fig. 2.
Differentially expressed An. funestus UGT genes in response to permethrin resistance. (A) Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the field-resistant population after exposure to permethrin and the unexposed population from the same country were identified in Malawi but not in Cameroon and Uganda. (A) Comparing the transcriptional profile of resistant populations from Malawi, Cameroon, Uganda and FUMOZ to that of susceptible FANG population identified Africa-wide upregulation of UGT310B2. The red arrow pointing upwards indicates upregulation and the blue arrow pointing downwards indicates downregulation. (B) All An. funestus UGTs (x-axes) plotted against fold change (FC) (y-axes) obtained from DEGs analyses colour coded according to the plot legend highlights the Africa-wide upregulation of UGT310B2 with a maximum fold change of 5.6 in resistant population from Malawi when compared with transcription profile of FANG. UGT310B2, UGT306D2, UGT301E3, and UGT315A3 have a significant overexpression in Malawi resistant population when compared with the FANG profile and with the unexposed population from Malawi highlighting the potential role of UGTs in detoxification in Malawian population. (C) The overexpression of UGT310B2 was detected in the FUMOZ colony using qPCR. However, due to the relative overexpression of UGT301C2 from the FUMOZ RNAseq profile compared to the FANG detecting the overexpression in the FUMOZ colony by qPCR was challenging. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)