Tajima's D for UGT genes and density curves of all the genes included by the targeted enrichment sequencing for all the populations. In populations from Southern Africa Malawi (MAL) (orange), FANG (Angola) (Yellow) and FUMOZ (Mozambique) (Blue) Tajima's D density curves were close to equilibrium (Black) (B). In Malawi, UGT301C2 is impacted by a recent selective sweep with a negative below the 0.05 quantiles of simulated Tajima's D (A). In Uganda (UG) and Cameroon (CAM), gene-wise Tajima's D was predominantly skewed towards negative values. In Cameroon, 7 UGT genes are below 0.05 quantiles of simulated Tajima's D and most UGT genes in Uganda are with a negative Tajima's D but not within the lowest 5% (A). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)