An example of a physical exercise program. (A) In the pre- and post-program fMRI session, participants will have to imagine themselves exercising (e.g., running, walking, Nordic walking, or hiking) on a trail that takes place recurrently during the physical exercise program. They will also be asked to predict the level of physical effort or the level of physical exercise enjoyment they anticipate experiencing throughout the exercise session; (B) Examples of rating score that could be used to re-dynamize interoceptive processes during the physical exercise program: (Bi) prospective and (Bii) retrospective rating of perceived exertion; (Biii) A simulation of a mismatch (in red) between one prospective and one retrospective scores. This example represents an underestimation of the prospective rating of perceived exertion, as compared to the retrospective rating of perceived exertion; (C). Examples of (Ci) prospective and (Cii) retrospective rating of perceived enjoyment; (Ciii) A simulation of a mismatch (in green) between one prospective and one retrospective scores. This example represents an overestimation of the prospective rating of perceived enjoyment, as compared to the retrospective rating of perceived enjoyment.