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. 2024 Feb 1;70(1):105–114. doi: 10.5606/tftrd.2024.12252

Table 3. Analysis of outcome measures for Group 1 and Group 2.

Outcome measure Time line Group 1 Group 2 Between group analysis#
Mean±SD 95% CI p Mean±SD 95% CI p Mean difference p
MoCA Baseline 12.89±3.9 9.83-15.95 0.001* 12.78±4.8 9.04-16.52 0.001* 0.11 0.958
2nd week 16.22±4.35 12.88-19.57 19.78±4.9 15.98-23.58 -3.56 0.570
4th week 19.22±3.9 16.18-22.27 27.56±2.1 25.88-29.24 -8.34 0.001‡
GOAT Baseline 47.89±6.58 42.83-52.95 0.001* 47.22±12.8 37.35-57.09 0.001* 0.67 0.892
2nd week 56.89±4.93 53.09-60.68 62.56±12.1 53.23-71.88 -5.67 0.938
4th week 67.56±5.76 63.12-71.99 77.89±11.2 69.29-86.49 -10.33 0.002‡
SD: Standard deviation; CI: Confidence interval; MoCA: Montreal cognitive assessment; GOAT: Galveston orientation and amnesia test; Repeated Measure ANOVA was used for within-group and between-group analyses, and interaction effect and independent sample t-test were used for between-group analysis at baseline; ANCOVA was used for analysis at two and four weeks; * Level of significance (p-value) measured through Repeated Measure ANOVA was set at <0.05; # Significance level for time*group interaction by ANOVA was set at <0.05; ‡ Level of significance by ANCOVA at two and four weeks was set at <0.05.