Diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or inflammatory bowel disease-unspecified
Prior use of anti-TNF therapy (infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab pegol or golimumab)
Internal (abdominal/pelvic) penetrating fistula(e) in last 180 days
Intra-abdominal abscess/phlegmon/inflammatory mass in the last 180 days
Active perianal abscess (receiving oral antibiotics for <7 days)
Intestinal stricture (luminal narrowing with prestenotic dilation>3 cm) and surgery planned in next 90 days
Have tested positive for Clostridium difficile toxin (stool assay) or other intestinal pathogens within 14 days of screening unless a repeat examination is negative and there are no signs of ongoing infection with that pathogen
Current hospitalisation for complications of severe Crohn’s disease
Planned use of methotrexate or 6-mercaptopurine (azathioprine) during the induction (first 3 doses of infliximab) phase
Current ileostomy, colostomy, ileoanal pouch and/or previous extensive small bowel resection (>35 cm) or any Crohn’s disease surgery planned within the next 90 days
History of autoimmune hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, thyroiditis or juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Treatment with another investigational drug in last 4 weeks
History of malignancy (including lymphoma or leukaemia)
Currently receiving treatment for histoplasmosis
History of TB, HIV, an immunodeficiency syndrome, a central nervous system demyelinating disease, history of heart failure or receiving intravenous antibiotics in last 14 days for any infection
Currently pregnant, breast feeding or plans to become pregnant in the next 1 year
Inability or failure to provide informed assent/consent
Any developmental disabilities that would impede providing assent/consent