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. 2024 Mar 18;12(3):680. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines12030680

Table 1.

Histology assessing wound bed before grafting. A veterinary pathologist blinded to the groups scored the sections on day 7 for the stated parameters. The 2 groups were compared by performing the nonparametric Mann–Whitney test to compare ranks for statistical significance. The p value was determined for each parameter comparing the allograft wounds to the IFSG-treated wounds, with ‘*’ notating when the value is less than 0.05 and therefore statistically significant. IFSG = intact fish skin graft; IC = inflammatory cell.

DAY 7 ANALYSIS Allograft (N =12) IFSG (N = 24) p Value
Parameter Pathologist Scoring Rubric N % N %
Angiogenesis   0—None 6 50 3 12.5 <0.0001 *
  1—≤50 Vessels 6 50 3 12.5
  2—51–100 Vessels 0 0 12 50
  3—101–150 Vessels 0 0 6 25
  0—Absent 6 50 5 20.8 0.1245
  1—Present 6 50 19 79.2
Hemorrhage   0—Absent 6 50 4 16.7 0.0532
  1—Present 6 50 20 83.3
Hemorrhage Severity   0—Absent 6 50 4 16.7 0.2493
  1—Mild 2 16.7 12 50
  2—Moderate 4 33.3 7 29.2
  3—Severe 0 0 1 4.2
Granulation Tissue   0—Absent 10 83.3 4 16.7 0.0002 *
  1—Present 2 16.7 20 83.3
Fibroplasia   0—None 1 8.3 0 0 0.0006 *
  1—Minimal 2 16.7 1 4.2
  2—Mild 6 50 4 16.7
  3—Moderate 3 25 11 45.7
  4—Marked 0 0 7 29.2
  5—Severe 0 0 1 4.2
Neutrophils   0—None 4 33.3 0 0 <0.0001 *
  1—Minimal number of ICs 7 58.3 2 8.3
  2—Mild number of ICs 0 0 13 54.2
  3—Moderate number of ICs 0 0 2 8.3
  4—Marked number of ICs 0 0 3 12.5
  5—Severe number of ICs 1 8.4 4 16.7
Eosinophils   0—None 7 58.3 1 4.2 <0.0001
  1—Minimal number of ICs 4 33.3 2 8.3
  2—Mild number of ICs 1 8.3 12 50
  3—Moderate number of ICs 0 0 9 37.5
Lymphocytes   0—None 4 33.3 1 4.2 <0.0001 *
  1—Minimal number of ICs 5 41.7 0 0
  2—Mild number of ICs 3 25 17 70.8
  3—Moderate number of ICs 0 0 6 25
Macrophages   0—None 6 50 1 4.2 0.0048 *
  1—Minimal number of ICs 5 41.7 16 66.7
  2—Mild number of ICs 1 8.3 7 29.2