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. 2024 Mar 11;16(6):1120. doi: 10.3390/cancers16061120

Table 15.

Segmentation performance metrics for the proposed method and other state-of-the-art methods on ISIC 2018 dataset. Note that the Polar method authors reported median IoU (result marked with *).

Method mIoU Dice Ref.
DuAT 0.867 0.923 [24]
BAT 0.843 0.912 [23]
DoubleU-Net 0.821 0.896 [49]
Polar 0.874 * 0.925 [26]
Ours (ResNet18) 0.880 0.937 [this work]
Ours (ResNet34) 0.869 0.919 [this work]