Figure 1.
Obesity modifies the brain metabolome in male and female mice, with a greater number of metabolites altered in males. Partial least squares-discriminate analyses (PLS-DA) plots of brain metabolic profiles in ob/ob and wild-type (WT) male (A) and female (D) mice. Small circles represent individual mouse brain samples, while the larger shaded region of the same color represents the 95% confidence interval of the group (in panels (A,D)). Variable importance projection (VIP) scores of the top 15 variables driving the separation between ob/ob and WT mice for component 1 for males (B) and females (E). Volcano plot of brain metabolites differing between ob/ob and WT mice for males (C) and females (F). No fold change cutoff was applied. All metabolites denoted in blue (decreased) and red (increased) in panels C and F were significant as determined by adjusted p < 0.05.