Protease-resistant cores of the GFP-Rnq1 and Rnq1-GFP proteins. Rnq1-derived proteins: 1-277 is GFP-Rnq1-277, 1-355 is GFP-Rnq1-355, etc.; GR is GFP-Rnq1; RG is Rnq1-GFP. These proteins were produced from pYes2 plasmid in prion strains: H is [RNQ+]-H, VH is [RNQ+]-VH, Pr: the named protein was encoded both in chromosome and pYes2 plasmid and its prion form was obtained de novo; S7: the amyloid was obtained de novo, being seeded by Sup35 prion of the “strong” [PSI+]-S7 variant [27]. Protease resistance is given according to Figure S1. The location of prionogenic regions 1 to 4 is indicated. The NQ scale shows the NQ content within a nine-residue window centered at a given residue. The lowest panel shows amyloidogenicity predictions by the PLAAC, PAPA, and FoldIndex algorithms generated at with default settings on 7 March 2024.